首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Role of IP(3) in modulation of spontaneous activity in pacemaker cells of rabbit urethra.

Role of IP(3) in modulation of spontaneous activity in pacemaker cells of rabbit urethra.


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Isolated interstitial ("pacemaker") cells from rabbit urethra were examined using the perforated-patch technique. Under voltage clamp at -60 mV, these cells fired large spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs), averaging -860 pA and >1 s in duration, which could account for urethral pacemaker activity. Spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs) were also observed and fell into two categories, "fast" (<100 ms in duration) and "slow" (>1 s in duration). The latter were coupled to STICs, suggesting that they shared the same mechanism, while the former occurred independently at faster rates. All of these currents were abolished by cyclopiazonic acid, caffeine, or ryanodine, suggesting that they were activated by Ca(2+) release. When D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-sensitive stores were blocked with 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, the STICs and slow STOCs were abolished, but the fast STOCs remained. In contrast, the fast STOCs were more nifedipine sensitive than the STICs or the slow STOCs. These results suggest that while fast STOCs are mediated by a mechanism similar to STOCs in smooth muscle, STICs and slow STOCs are driven by IP(3). These results support the hypothesis that pacemaker activity in the urethra is driven by the IP(3)-sensitive store.
机译:使用穿孔补片技术检查了来自兔尿道的分离的间质(“起搏器”)细胞。在-60 mV的钳位电压下,这些细胞发出大的自发瞬时内向电流(STIC),平均-860 pA,持续时间> 1 s,这可能是尿道起搏器活动的原因。还观察到自发的瞬时外向电流(STOC),并分为两类,“快”(持续时间<100 ms)和“慢”(持续时间> 1 s)。后者与STIC耦合,表明它们具有相同的机制,而前者以更快的速度独立发生。所有这些电流已被环吡嗪酸,咖啡因或ryanodine废除,表明它们被Ca(2+)释放所激活。当D-肌醇1,4,5-三磷酸(IP(3))敏感的存储区被2-氨基乙氧基二苯基硼酸盐封闭时,STIC和慢速STOC被取消,但快速STOC仍然存在。相反,快速的STOC比硝苯地平或慢的STOC对硝苯地平的敏感性更高。这些结果表明,尽管快速STOC是由类似于平滑肌中STOC的机制介导的,但STIC和慢速STOC是由IP驱动的(3)。这些结果支持以下假设:尿道中的起搏器活动受IP(3)敏感存储驱动。



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