首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Circadian phase-delaying effects of bright light alone and combined with exercise in humans.

Circadian phase-delaying effects of bright light alone and combined with exercise in humans.


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In a within-subjects (n = 18), counterbalanced design, the circadian phase-shifting effects of 3 h of 1) bright light (3,000 lx) alone 2) and bright light combined with vigorous exercise were compared. For each treatment, volunteers spent 3 nights and 2 days in the laboratory, typically receiving the treatment from approximately 2300 to 0200 on night 2. Bedtimes and waketimes were fixed to the volunteers' habits. Illumination was 50 lx during other wake hours and 0 lx during sleep. Bright Light Alone elicited a significant phase delay in rectal temperature minimum (70 min), but not in urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (6-SMT) acrophase (20 min). Bright Light + Exercise elicited a significant phase delay in 6-SMT (68 min), but did not result in a significant difference in shift compared with Bright Light Alone. The study had adequate statistical power (80%) to detect phase-shift differences between treatments of approximately 2-2.5 h. Thus any antagonism of light shifts with exercise could not have been revealed. Within the limited exercise and light parameters of this study, the results suggest that exercise does not reliably modulate phase-shifting effects of late night bright light in humans.
机译:在受试者内部(n = 18)中,采用平衡设计,比较了3 h的昼夜相移效果:1)单独的强光(3,000 lx)2)和强力运动相结合的强光。对于每种治疗,志愿者在实验室里呆了3个晚上和2天,通常在晚上2点大约从2300到0200接受治疗。就寝时间和醒来时间固定于志愿者的习惯。其他唤醒时间的照度为50 lx,睡眠期间的照度为0 lx。单独的“明亮的光”在最低直肠温度(70分钟)时引起明显的相位延迟,但在尿液中的6-Sulphatoxymelatonin(6-SMT)顶相(20分钟)中没有引起明显的相位延迟。 Bright Light + Exercise在6-SMT(68分钟)中引起明显的相位延迟,但与单独的Bright Light相比,并未导致移位的显着差异。该研究具有足够的统计功效(80%),可检测出约2-2.5小时的治疗之间的相移差异。因此,无法揭示运动引起的光移位的任何对抗性。在这项研究的有限运动和光照参数范围内,结果表明运动不能可靠地调节人类深夜强光的相移效应。



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