首页> 外文期刊>Aging & mental health >Erratum: Effects of cognitive stimulation therapy Japanese version (CST-J) for people with dementia: A single-blind, controlled clinical trial (Aging and Mental Health)

Erratum: Effects of cognitive stimulation therapy Japanese version (CST-J) for people with dementia: A single-blind, controlled clinical trial (Aging and Mental Health)


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Due to a copy editing error, the definition of the acronym 'CT' was incorrectly given as 'cognitive therapy' in the first sentence of the section 'Implications for practice' of the above article. The text has now been corrected, and the full and correct sentence is reproduced below:"To date, CST has been confused with CS in Japan, although CST is an original program developed by Spector et al. (2003) and has since been the basis for consequent CS studies. To further complicate the issue, the distinction between CS and CT (cognitive training), which were clearly denned by Clare and Woods (2004), is not apparent in many Japanese studies."
机译:由于复制编辑错误,在上述文章“对实践的影响”部分的第一句话中,首字母缩写词“ CT”的定义被错误地称为“认知疗法”。现在,该文本已得到更正,下面是完整正确的句子:“迄今为止,CST在日本与CS混淆了,尽管CST是Spector等人(2003年)开发的原始程序,此后一直是进一步使这个问题复杂化的是,克莱尔和伍兹(Clare and Woods,2004)明确否认了CS和CT(认知训练)之间的区别,在许多日本研究中并不明显。”



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