首页> 外文期刊>Allergy >Pollen-food syndrome is related to Bet v 1/PR-10 protein sensitisation, but not all patients have spring rhinitis.

Pollen-food syndrome is related to Bet v 1/PR-10 protein sensitisation, but not all patients have spring rhinitis.

机译:花粉综合症与Bet v 1 / PR-10蛋白致敏有关,但并非所有患者都患有春季鼻炎。

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The pollen-food syndrome (PFS) results from sensitisation to patiallergens that are common to pollen and edible plant products, typically manifesting as oral symptoms upon exposure to Rosaceae fruits. The pan-allergen molecules comprise three protein clusters: Bet v l/PR-10; profilins; non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTP) (1). The sensitisation profile of PFS patients to these proteins varies geographically in Europe, with PR-10 proteins the dominant allergen in Northern Europe and nsLTP in the South (2). Anecdotally, PFS in the United Kingdom is related to birch pol-linosis and sensitisation to the Bet v 1/ PR-10 cluster, but published data are lacking. Accordingly, we studied the clinical phenotype and sensitisation profile of 24 PFS patients presenting to a UK allergy clinic. The study protocol was approved by the NHS Research Ethics Service and all patients provided informed written consent. Food allergies were assessed by a standardised physician-administered questionnaire, which included 38 relevant plant-derived foods. Donor serum was analysed for IgE directed against allergen components by a solid-phase microarray assay (VBC Genomics, Vienna, Austria).
机译:花粉-食物综合症(PFS)是由对花粉和食用植物产品常见的patiallergens致敏所致,通常在暴露于蔷薇科水果时表现为口腔症状。泛过敏原分子包含三个蛋白质簇:Bet v1 / PR-10; Bet v1 / PR-10; Bet v1 / PR-10; Bet v1 / PR-10; Bet v1 / PR-10。轮廓蛋白;非特异性脂质转移蛋白(nsLTP)(1)。在欧洲,PFS患者对这些蛋白质的敏感性分布有所不同,PR-10蛋白在北欧占主导地位,而nsLTP在南部占主导地位(2)。有趣的是,英国的PFS与桦木花粉症和对Bet v 1 / PR-10簇的敏感性有关,但缺乏公开的数据。因此,我们研究了英国过敏诊所的24名PFS患者的临床表型和致敏性。该研究方案已获得NHS研究伦理服务的批准,所有患者均提供了知情的书面同意。食物过敏通过标准的医师管理问卷进行评估,其中包括38种相关的植物性食物。通过固相微阵列分析(VBC Genomics,Vienna,Austria)分析供体血清中针对过敏原成分的IgE。



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