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An outbreak of tuberculosis among adults with mental illness


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In August 2008, a resident at a Florida assisted living facility for adults with mental illness was diagnosed with infectious pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). From October 2008 to May 2009, 14 additional residents and three nonresidents were diagnosed with TB. The index patient was contagious for approximately 8 months before he was diagnosed in August 2008. He first sought medical attention for a cough and general malaise in April 2008, at a local psychiatric hospital where he felt comfortable receiving care because of his frequent previous hospitalizations there, He was evaluated by an internist and admitted for acute psychiatric decompensation for 8 days to a locked ward that held approximately 25 patients. Although cough was documented on admission, medical records did not reveal any detail on how the patient described his symptoms, and further evaluation was not performed at that time. During the course of his infectious period, the patient did not seek treatment at a medical facility for his worsening TB symptoms. He was held for one night in a one-person cell at the county jail and was hospitalized three more times at the psychiatric hospital for stays ranging from 2 to 8 days. He was assessed by an internist at each admission, and a cough was documented in each admission note. When the patient was hospitalized for the fourth time at the psychiatric facility in August 2008, a provider noted that his cough had persisted and ordered chest radiography, which revealed evidence of a cavitary lesion suggestive of pulmonary TB. The patient was transferred to a medical hospital, where sputum smear microscopy was positive for acid-fast bacilli, and confirmatory testing revealed Mycobacteritim tuberculosis. After 2 weeks of TB treatment, the patient left against medical advice and returned to the assisted living facility. Three days later, supervisors from the assisted living facility brought him to another medical hospital for admission under direct one-to-one observation. He attempted to leave the hospital multiple times, requiring transfer to an isolation unit at the local jail and then to the A.G. Holley State Hospital, a Department of Health facility specializing in tuberculosis, in accordance with Florida state law permitting the involuntary examination and treatment of persons with mental illness who may be a harm to others, such as patients who have dangerous infectious diseases like tuberculosis. The assisted living facility had an average census of 84 residents each month and the capacity to hold up to 91 at any one time. Each month, approximately four to five residents departed and a similar number of new residents arrived. Residents slept three or four to a room, but they did not have a curfew and were not required to sleep at the facility. Hence, despite stable housing, residents were sometimes transient, often sleeping at locations outside of the facility. The facility did not provide medical care; residents were not routinely screened for TB on admission, and those who developed TB symptoms could not be evaluated on-site. Medications were disbursed by facility staff, but staff did not enforce adherence.
机译:2008年8月,佛罗里达州一名患有精神疾病的成年人的生活设施的居民被诊断出感染性肺结核(TB)。从2008年10月到2009年5月,又有14位居民和3位非居民被诊断出患有结核病。这位索引病人在2008年8月被确诊之前具有传染性,大约有8个月的传染性。他于2008年4月在当地一家精神病医院首次寻求治疗,以治疗咳嗽和全身不适,因为他以前经常住院,因此感到舒适,他由一位内科医生进行评估,并因急性精神病代偿住院8天,被送往一个可容纳约25名患者的封闭病房。尽管入院时有咳嗽记录,但医疗记录并未透露有关患者症状描述的任何细节,并且当时未进行进一步评估。在感染期间,患者未因结核病症状恶化而在医疗机构寻求治疗。他在县监狱的一个人牢房里住了一晚,并在精神病院住院了3次,住院时间从2天到8天不等。每次入院时都会由一位内科医生对他进行评估,并且在每次入院记录中都记录有咳嗽的情况。当患者于2008年8月第四次在精神病院住院时,提供者注意到他的咳嗽持续存在,并进行了胸部X光检查,这显示出表明肺结核的空洞病变的证据。该患者被转移到一家医院,那里的痰涂片镜检对耐酸杆菌呈阳性,确诊测试显示该菌为结核分枝杆菌。结核病治疗2周后,患者放弃了医疗建议,回到了辅助生活设施。三天后,来自辅助生活设施的主管将他带到另一所医疗医院接受直接一对一观察。他试图多次离开医院,根据佛罗里达州法律允许非自愿检查和治疗,他被要求转移到当地监狱的隔离室,然后转移到专门从事结核病的卫生部AG Holley州立医院。可能对他人造成伤害的精神疾病患者,例如患有诸如肺结核等危险传染病的患者。辅助生活设施每月平均进行84位居民普查,并且一次最多可容纳91位居民。每个月大约有四到五名居民离开,并有类似数量的新居民到达。居民将三四个人睡在一个房间里,但是他们没有宵禁,也不需要在设施里睡觉。因此,尽管住房稳定,但居民有时还是短暂的,经常在设施外的地方睡觉。该设施未提供医疗服务;入院时不对居民进行例行结核病筛查,出现结核病症状的居民无法在现场进行评估。药品是由设施工作人员支付的,但工作人员并未强制遵守。



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