首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >Transitions in illicit drug use status over 3 years: a prospective analysis of a general population sample.

Transitions in illicit drug use status over 3 years: a prospective analysis of a general population sample.


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OBJECTIVE The authors examined 3-year transitions among nonuse, asymptomatic use, and problem use of illicit drugs for U.S. adults in the general household population. METHOD Data were from the nationally representative National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a study of 34,653 adults interviewed twice, 3 years apart. Respondents were categorized on three mutually exclusive categories of baseline drug status: past-year nonusers (N=32,675), past-year asymptomatic drug users (N=861), and past-year symptomatic drug users (N=1,117). Symptomatic drug use, or problem use, was defined as presence of one or more symptoms that operationalize DSM-IV drug abuse and dependence criteria. The authors assessed sociodemographic, health, substance use, and psychiatric covariates for association with 3-year transitions to different status categories. RESULTS Among baseline nonusers, 95.4% continued to be nonusers at follow-up, 2.1% became asymptomatic users, and 2.5% developed problem use. Among baseline asymptomatic users, 66.6% had stopped using drugs at follow-up, 14.3% continued to be asymptomatic users, and 19.1% had developed problem use. Nearly half (49.0%) of those with problem use at baseline had stopped using drugs at follow-up, 10.9% had transitioned to asymptomatic use, and 40.1% continued to have problem use. Younger age, male sex, white race, and not being married were associated with progression from nonuse to use or problem use, as were alcohol and tobacco use and disorders, major depression, and schizotypal, borderline, and narcissistic personality disorders. Panic disorder and avoidant personality disorder were associated with less progression. CONCLUSIONS Transitions in drug use status are common. The finding that alcohol and tobacco variables and co-occurring psychopathology are important correlates of transitions suggests the value of addressing all co-occurring disorders and substance use in patient assessments and treatment planning, both to prevent adverse transitions and to promote positive transitions.
机译:目的作者研究了普通家庭中美国成年人在不使用,无症状使用和非法使用毒品之间的三年过渡。方法数据来自全国代表性的酒精和相关疾病国家流行病学调查,该研究对34,653名成年人进行了两次访谈,相隔3年。受访者被分为基线药物状态的三个互斥类别:过去一年的非使用者(N = 32,675),过去一年的无症状药物使用者(N = 861)和过去的有症状药物使用者(N = 1,117)。有症状药物使用或问题使用被定义为存在一种或多种可操作DSM-IV药物滥用和依赖性标准的症状。作者评估了社会人口统计学,健康状况,药物使用和精神病学协变量与3年过渡到不同状态类别的关联。结果在基线非使用者中,随访时95.4%继续为非使用者,无症状使用者为2.1%,出现问题的使用者为2.5%。在无症状的基线使用者中,有66.6%的人在随访中停止使用药物,有14.3%的人是无症状的使用者,有19.1%的人有问题。在基线时有问题的患者中,将近一半(49.0%)在随访时停止使用药物,有10.9%的患者已转变为无症状使用,而40.1%的患者继续有问题。较年轻,男性,白人,未婚与不使用和使用问题的发展有关,如酗酒和吸烟,疾病,重度抑郁,精神分裂症,交往和自恋型人格障碍。恐慌症和回避型人格障碍与较少的进展有关。结论药物使用状态的转变很普遍。酒精和烟草变量与共同发生的精神病理学是转变的重要关联的发现表明,在患者评估和治疗计划中解决所有共同出现的疾病和物质使用的价值,既可以防止不良转变,也可以促进积极转变。



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