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Effects of extremely-low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields on collagen synthesis in rat skin


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To investigate the effects of extremely-low-frequency PEMFs (pulsed electromagnetic fields) on the synthesis of epidermal collagen, six groups of animals each consisting of eight mature male rats were selected randomly: one group for the control and five for the test. Using a parallel set of Helmholtz coils, a uniform field intensity of 2 mT at different frequencies of 2S, 50 and 100 Hz yielded the most effective frequency to be 25 Hz. Then, at this frequency, two different field intensities of I and 4 mT were applied. The treatment time of 2.5 h/clay lasted for 8 days, keeping the same procedure for the control group, except with the field turned off. On the ninth day, the rats were killed and skin samples from the dorsal region were taken for collagen assessment by measuring hydroxyproline content using the Stegemann-Staider [(1967) Clin. Chim. Acta 8, 267-273] method. The results indicated that a PEMF of 2 mT at 2S Hz increased the collagen synthesis (P < 0.05). The other intensities and frequency setting did not have any noticeable effect; however, at a frequency of 25 Hz at 4 mT, collagen increase was also noticed. It was concluded that at 25 Hz under a field setting of 2 mT for the duration of 8 days, stimulation of skin at 2.5 h/clay would cause increase in collagen synthesis in rat skin.
机译:为了研究极低频PEMF(脉冲电磁场​​)对表皮胶原蛋白合成的影响,随机选择了六组动物,每组由八只成熟的雄性大鼠组成:对照组为一组,测试组为五只。使用一组平行的亥姆霍兹线圈,在2S,50和100 Hz的不同频率下2 mT的均匀场强产生的最有效频率为25 Hz。然后,在该频率下,施加了I和4 mT的两个不同的场强。 2.5 h /粘土的处理时间持续8天,对照组保持相同的程序,除了关闭该字段。在第九天,处死大鼠,并通过使用Stegemann-Staider [(1967)Clin,通过测量羟脯氨酸的含量,从背部区域抽取皮肤样品进行胶原蛋白评估。詹。 Acta 8,267-273]方法。结果表明,在2S Hz下2 mT的PEMF增加了胶原蛋白的合成(P <0.05)。其他强度和频率设置没有明显影响;然而,在4 mT的25 Hz频率下,胶原蛋白也被发现增加。结论是,在场强为2 mT的情况下,在25 Hz的频率下持续8天,以2.5 h /黏土刺激皮肤会导致大鼠皮肤胶原合成增加。



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