首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >The Ontogeny of Talo-Crural Appositional Articular Morphology Among Catarrhine Taxa: Adult Shape Reflects Substrate Use

The Ontogeny of Talo-Crural Appositional Articular Morphology Among Catarrhine Taxa: Adult Shape Reflects Substrate Use


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The upper ankle joint forms a single articular plane between organism and the foot and substrate. Singular warp analysis shows that its shape reflects substrate use. This study explores whether the differences in shape are genetic with a developmental trajectory evident during ontogeny or epigenetic and the result of substrate use by the individual. A total of 418 matched distal tibial and proximal talar landmarked surfaces from adult and subadult specimens from 12 diverse catarrhine taxa were studied. Specimens were grouped by molar eruption (M1, M2, and M3) for comparative analysis. Generalized Procrustes analysis, multivariate regression, relative warp analysis, singular warp analysis, and permutation tests were used. Singular warp analysis for the entire cohort was highly significant in the first singular warp, with the adult taxa sorting by substrate use. All 173 subadults clustered with an adult "arboreal" shape profile. Among Hominoidea, adults (M3) sorted by substrate use with Pan paniscus and Hylobatidae assuming an "arboreal" shape separate from Pan troglodytes and the remaining taxa with "terrestrial" shape. Cercopithecoid adults sorted by substrate use as well, with the M3 specimens of Papio hamadryas and Macaca thibetana demonstrating a "terrestrial" shape. Differences in mode of locomotion did not affect the findings in the first singular warp. Results confirmed the convergence of talo-crural shape among superfamilies based on substrate use and divergence in shape within Pan and Macaca, based on substrate use. The shape differences among adults (M3) are consistent with a plastic response to the behavioral stimulus of substrate use.
机译:上踝关节在生物体与脚和基底之间形成单个关节平面。奇异翘曲分析表明,其形状反映了基材的使用情况。这项研究探讨了形状差异是否是遗传的,并且在个体发育或表观遗传期间发育轨迹明显,以及个体使用底物的结果。共研究了来自12种不同的卡他汀类群的成年和亚成年标本的418个匹配的胫骨远端和距骨近端标志性表面。通过磨牙萌发(M1,M2和M3)将标本分组以进行比较分析。使用了广义Procrustes分析,多元回归,相对翘曲分析,奇异翘曲分析和置换检验。在第一个奇异经线中,整个成年群的奇异经线分析具有非常重要的意义,其中成年分类群按基质用途分类。所有173个亚成人聚集在一起,具有成年的“树状”形状轮廓。在Hominoidea中,成年(M3)按底物用途与Pan paniscus和Hylobatidae一起分类,假定其“树栖”形状与Pan穴居人分开,而其余的分类单元则具有“陆生”形状。角柏类成虫也按基质用途分类,Papio hamadryas和Macaca thibetana的M3标本显示出“陆地”形状。运动方式的差异并没有影响第一个奇异经线的发现。结果证实,基于底物的使用,超家族中滑石结构的趋同,以及基于底物的使用,泛和猕猴内的形状差异。成人之间的形状差异(M3)与对底物使用行为刺激的塑性反应一致。



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