首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Wildlife Management >Coastal Texas black rail population states and survey effort

Coastal Texas black rail population states and survey effort


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Eastern black rails (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis) are of conservation concern. These birds vocalize infrequently and inhabit dense vegetation, making them difficult to detect. We conducted the first large-scale study of black rail occupancy and abundance in Texas, USA. We conducted point count surveys that were 6-minute call-playback broadcasts and detected rails acoustically. We fit 19 occupancy and 19 abundance models while accounting for imperfect detection. We used the top occupancy model to estimate the required survey effort to precisely estimate black rail occupancy with and without detection correction methods. We found that detection increased with moon phase but decreased with wind speed and ambient noise. Occupancy and abundance increased with cordgrass (Spartina spp.) and intermediate marsh cover. Estimates of mean occupancy (0.27 and 0.26) and abundance (1.08 and 1.00 rails/point) were similar between 2015 and 2016. Estimated survey efforts under mean (wind = 6-10 km/hr, lunar phase = half-moon) and optimal (wind = 0-5 km/hr, lunar phase = full moon) environmental conditions were less for detection correction methods than for non-correction methods. We also concluded that efforts to predict black rail presence from naive occupancy estimates are impractical. Managers and researchers who wish to monitor black rails populations should use detection correction techniques when estimating occupancy and abundance. (c) 2018 The Wildlife Society.
机译:东黑轨道(Laterallus Jamaicensis Jamaicensis)是保护的担忧。这些鸟类发声不经常,居住地居住,使它们难以检测。我们在美国德克萨斯州的黑色铁路占用和丰富进行了第一个大型研究。我们进行了点数计数调查,即在声学上的6分钟呼叫播放广播和检测到的轨道。我们适合19个入住率和19种丰度模型,同时占缺乏无瑕疵的检测。我们使用了顶级占用模式来估算所需的调查工作,以精确估计黑色轨道占用,并没有检测校正方法。我们发现检测随着月亮相增加而且随着风速和环境噪音而降低。占用和丰度随肠道草(Spartina SPP)和中间沼泽覆盖而增加。平均占用(0.27和0.26)和丰度(1.08和1.00轨/点)之间的估计值在2015年和2016年期间。估计的调查努力(风= 6-10km / hr,农历阶段=半月)和最佳(风= 0-5 km / hr,农历阶段=满月)对检测校正方法的环境条件少于非校正方法。我们还得出结论,预测来自天真占用估计的黑轨存在的努力是不切实际的。希望监控黑色轨道人口的经理和研究人员应在估算占用和丰富时使用检测校正技术。 (c)2018野生动物协会。



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