首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Biology >Honey bees are larger and live longer after developing at low temperature

Honey bees are larger and live longer after developing at low temperature


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Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are known to be temperature specialist and actively maintain brood temperature in a very narrow temperature range. Developing larvae are sensitive to changes of temperature in the nest. Temperatures lower than generally assumed as optimal have been shown to cause a number of negative developmental and behavioural changes in honey bees. We have reared both worker and drone larvae during the capped brood stage in cold (32 degrees C) and in warm temperatures (35 degrees C). Next, we measured their body mass at emergence and the longevity of individuals either caged in incubator (workers) or placed in maintaining colonies (drones). For drones, the reproductive caste, we also compared the mass and ratio of body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen) to body mass. As expected, both castes were heavier when reared in cold, but contrary to our expectations, both castes survived longer after emergence than bees reared in warm. Drones reared in cold were characterized by proportionally larger abdomens, in comparison to drones reared in warm.
机译:众所周知,蜂蜜蜜蜂(API Mellifera)是温度专家,并积极地保持育龄温度在非常窄的温度范围内。开发的幼虫对巢中温度的变化敏感。已经显示出低于通常假设的温度,因为已经显示出蜂蜜蜜蜂的许多负发育和行为变化。在冷(32摄氏度)和温热的温度(35摄氏度)期间,我们在封盖的育雏期间饲养了工人和无人机幼虫。接下来,我们在孵化器(工人)中笼中的个体的出现和寿命或放置在维持菌落(无人机)中的寿命来测量它们的体重。对于无人机,生殖种姓,我们还将身体部位(头部,胸部和腹部)的质量和比率与体重进行了比较。正如预期的那样,在寒冷时,两种铸件都较重,但与我们的期望相反,两种饲养员在出现后的时间更长,比蜜蜂饲养。与温暖饲养的无人机相比,感冒饲养的无人机以比例较大。



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