首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology >Histopathology of Neem Shoot Naturally Infected with Phomopsis azadirachtae, The Die-back of Neem Pathogen

Histopathology of Neem Shoot Naturally Infected with Phomopsis azadirachtae, The Die-back of Neem Pathogen


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Phomopsis azadirachtae Sateesh, Bhat and Devaki, the incitant of die-back of neem is a deuteromycetous fungus which infects the neem trees of all ages and sizes. The chief symptoms of the disease are twig blight, inflorescence blight and fruit rot. Inthe present study histopathological studies of die-back infected neem shoots were carried out. Neem shoots showing twig blight symptoms were considered for the study. Healthy neem shoot served as control. The sections showed abundant colonization of inter- and intra-cellular hyphae in bark, cortex, vascular tissues and central pith. The histopathological investigations suggest that the die-back pathogen is heavily colonized in the infected tissues and seems to have greater penetration capacity.
机译:黑猩猩Azadirachtae Sateesh,Bhat和Devaki,Neem的灭火器是一种氘核真菌,它感染了所有年龄和尺寸的雷姆树。 该疾病的主要症状是枝枯,花序枯萎和水果腐烂。 本研究了对乳头受感染的雷姆芽的研究组织病理学研究进行了。 研究了揭示症状的雷姆芽被考虑了这项研究。 健康的纽约射击作为控制。 该部分展示了树皮,皮质,血管组织和中部髓内卵巢间杂环的丰富殖民。 组织病理学调查表明,死质病原体在受感染的组织中严重殖民,似乎具有更大的渗透能力。



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