首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurotrauma >The Effect of Prior Concussion History on Dual-Task Gait following a Concussion

The Effect of Prior Concussion History on Dual-Task Gait following a Concussion


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Sustaining repeated concussions has been associated with worse outcomes after additional injuries. This effect has been identified using symptom inventories and neurocognitive tests; however, few investigations have examined how a prior concussion history affects gait soon after a subsequent concussion. We examined the gait characteristics of athletes with no documented concussion history (n = 31), athletes recovering from their first lifetime concussion (n = 15), and athletes recovering from their second or greater lifetime concussion (n = 22). All participants completed a single-task and dual-task gait examination, a medical history questionnaire, and a postconcussion symptom scale. Multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVA) models were used to evaluate mean gait differences among groups, and Spearman's q analyses were used to assess correlations between the number of lifetime concussions and gait characteristics. Patients reporting to the clinic with their second or greater lifetime concussion demonstrated smaller stride lengths than healthy control participants during dual-task walking (p = 0.01; d = 0.70). A moderate but insignificant correlation was detected between dual-task gait speed and the number of prior concussions (q = 0.41, p = 0.07). These results indicate that a cumulative effect of concussions across the lifetime may contribute to worsening dual-task dynamic motor function after concussion.
机译:在额外伤害后,维持重复的脑震荡与更糟糕的结果有关。使用症状库存和神经认知测试鉴定了这种效果;然而,在随后的脑震荡之后,很少有调查检查了如何在后续脑震荡历史如何影响步态。我们检查了没有记录的脑震荡历史的运动员的步态特征(n = 31),运动员从他们的第一个终身脑震荡(n = 15)中恢复,以及从第二个或更多寿命脑震荡中恢复的运动员(n = 22)。所有参与者完成了单一任务和双任务步态考试,医学历史问卷和后调查症状规模。协方差(MANCOVA)模型的多变量分析用于评估组之间的平均步态差异,并且使用SPEARMAN的Q分析来评估寿命脑脑数和步态特征之间的相关性。向诊所向诊所报告其第二次或更多寿命脑震荡的患者在双任务步行期间比健康的对照参与者表现出较小的立长长度(P = 0.01; d = 0.70)。在双重任务步态速度和之前脑震荡的数量之间检测到中度但微不足道的相关性(Q = 0.41,P = 0.07)。这些结果表明,在脑震荡之后,脑震荡的累积效果可能有助于恶化双任务动态电机功能。



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