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Detection, education and management of the asplenic or hyposplenic patient.


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Fulminant, potentially life-threatening infection is a major long-term risk after splenectomy or in persons who are functionally hyposplenic as a result of various systemic conditions. Most of these infections are caused by encapsulated organisms such as pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and meningococci. A splenectomized patient is also more susceptible to infections with intraerythrocytic organisms such as Babesia microti and those that seldom affect healthy people, such as Capnocytophaga canimorsus. Most patients who have lost their spleens because of trauma are aware of their asplenic condition, but some older patients do not know that they are asplenic. Other patients may have functional hyposplenism secondary to a variety of systemic diseases ranging from celiac disease to hemoglobinopathies. The identification of Howell-Jolly bodies on peripheral blood film is an important clue to the diagnosis of asplenia or hyposplenia. Management of patients with these conditions includes a combination of immunization, antibiotic prophylaxis and patient education. With the increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant pneumococci, appropriate use of the pneumococcal vaccine has become especially important.
机译:在脾切除术后或由于各种全身状况导致功能性脾功能低下的人中,暴发性,可能威胁生命的感染是主要的长期风险。这些感染大多数是由封装的生物引起的,例如肺炎球菌,流感嗜血杆菌和脑膜炎球菌。脾切除术的患者也更容易受到红细胞内微生物(如小巴贝斯虫)和很少影响健康人的细菌(如Capnocytophaga canimorsus)的感染。大多数因创伤而失去脾脏的患者都知道自己的脾脏状况,但是一些年长的患者并不知道自己患有脾脏。其他患者可能患有继发于从乳糜泻到血红蛋白病的多种系统疾病的功能性脾功能减退。外周血膜上的Howell-Jolly尸体的鉴定是诊断无力或脾虚的重要线索。对患有这些疾病的患者的管理包括免疫,抗生素预防和患者教育的结合。随着抗药性肺炎球菌的流行,适当使用肺炎球菌疫苗变得尤为重要。



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