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Entomology and Molecular Biology Need a Shotgun Wedding


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One of the most gratifying moments of my career as a scientist came unexpectedly some years ago when Marshall Johnson, a colleague and well-recognized entomologist, came to me and said, "You know, Dave, I finally understand how this molecular biologystuff can help us answer questions that we just couldn't answer before."That happened around 1995, but since then, unfortunately, I can't say that this idea has adequately caught on with enough people in the entomology community. For the most part, I believe that too many entomologists still do not appreciate what molecularbiology can do for it rather than to it. There are exceptions, of course (I will address this further), but in my career, I cannot think of another discipline of biology that has so stubbornly failed to adequately grasp what the advances in molecular biology, in particular molecular genetics, can mean to our ability to truly understand and appreciate the nature of the organisms we work with every day.
机译:几年前,我的科学家生涯中最可喜的时刻之一是出人意料地发生,当时同事和公认的昆虫学家马歇尔·约翰逊(Marshall Johnson)来到我身边说:“你知道,戴夫,我终于了解了这种分子生物学材料如何为您提供帮助我们回答了我们以前无法回答的问题。”那是在1995年左右发生的,但是从那以后,不幸的是,我不能说这个想法已经在昆虫学界引起了足够的重视。在大多数情况下,我相信太多的昆虫学家仍然不了解分子生物学可以做什么,而不是去做什么。当然,也有例外(我将进一步解决),但是在我的职业生涯中,我无法想到另一门生物学学科却顽固地未能充分掌握分子生物学(尤其是分子遗传学)的进步意味着什么。我们真正了解和欣赏与我们合作的生物的本质的能力。



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