首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Internal Medicine >Hip fracture risk and safety with alendronate treatment in the oldest‐old

Hip fracture risk and safety with alendronate treatment in the oldest‐old


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Abstract Background There is high evidence for secondary prevention of fractures, including hip fracture, with alendronate treatment, but alendronate's efficacy to prevent hip fractures in the oldest‐old (≥80 years old), the population with the highest fracture risk, has not been studied. Objective To investigate whether alendronate treatment amongst the oldest‐old with prior fracture was related to decreased hip fracture rate and sustained safety. Methods Using a national database of men and women undergoing a fall risk assessment at a Swedish healthcare facility, we identified 90 795 patients who were 80 years or older and had a prior fracture. Propensity score matching (four to one) was then used to identify 7844 controls to 1961 alendronate‐treated patients. The risk of incident hip fracture was investigated with Cox models and the interaction between age and treatment was investigated using an interaction term. Results The case and control groups were well balanced in regard to age, sex, anthropometrics and comorbidity. Alendronate treatment was associated with a decreased risk of hip fracture in crude (hazard ratio ( HR ) 0.62 (0.49–0.79), P 0.001) and multivariable models ( HR 0.66 (0.51–0.86), P 0.01). Alendronate was related to reduced mortality risk ( HR 0.88 (0.82–0.95) but increased risk of mild upper gastrointestinal symptoms ( UGI ) ( HR 1.58 (1.12–2.24). The alendronate association did not change with age for hip fractures or mild UGI . Conclusion In old patients with prior fracture, alendronate treatment reduces the risk of hip fracture with sustained safety, indicating that this treatment should be considered in these high‐risk patients.
机译:抽象背景有高度预防骨折的证据,包括髋部骨折,伴有alynethate治疗,但是alynetate的疗效,以预防最古老的(≥80岁),骨折风险最高的人口,并非如此研究过。目的探讨与先前骨折最古老的旧骨骼中的Alendronate治疗是否与髋部骨折率降低和持续的安全性有关。方法采用国家男女数据库进行瑞典医疗保健设施的秋季风险评估,我们确定了90岁或以上的90岁795名患者,并患有先前的骨折。然后使用倾向得分(四至一)鉴定7844对1961年反应治疗的患者。研究了入射髋部骨折的风险,用COX模型研究,使用相互作用术语研究了年龄和治疗之间的相互作用。结果案例和对照组在年龄,性别,人培素和合并症方面均衡。 Alendronate治疗与粗rud(危害比(HR)0.62(0.49-0.79),P <0.001)和多变量模型(HR 0.66(0.51-0.86),P <0.01)的髋部骨折风险降低有关。阿仑膦酸盐与死亡率降低有关(HR 0.88(0.82-0.95),但上外胃肠道症状的风险增加(UGI)(HR 1.58(1.12-2.24)。当髋关节骨折或轻度UGI的年龄没有改变。结论在旧骨折患者中,阿仑膦酸盐治疗降低了髋部骨折的风险,持续安全,表明应在这些高危患者中考虑这种治疗。



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