首页> 外文期刊>Journal of inverse and ill-posed problems >Regularization method for an ill-posed Cauchy problem for elliptic equations

Regularization method for an ill-posed Cauchy problem for elliptic equations


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The paper is devoted to investigating a Cauchy problem for homogeneous elliptic PDEs in the abstract Hilbert space given by u" (t) - Au( t) = 0, 0 < t < T, u(0) = phi, u' (0) = 0, where A is a positive self-adjoint and unbounded linear operator. The problem is severely ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard [23]. We shall give a new regularization method for this problem when the operator A is replaced by A alpha = A( I + alpha A)(-1) and u(0) = phi is replaced by a nonlocal condition. We show the convergence of this method and we construct a family of regularizing operators for the considered problem. Convergence estimates are established under a priori regularity assumptions on the problem data. Some numerical results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
机译:本文致力于在U“(t) - au(t)= 0,0



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