首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crop Improvement >Effects of simulated hail damage manifested by stem cutoff on seed yield and agronomic traits in Brassica napus L.

Effects of simulated hail damage manifested by stem cutoff on seed yield and agronomic traits in Brassica napus L.

机译:茎截止模拟冰雹损伤对芸苔Napus L的种子产量和农艺性状的影响

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A simulated hail-damage study was conducted in North Dakotaacross 2 years. The experiment was conducted in a randomizedcomplete block design with two factors, viz., five levels of stemcutoff and four growth stages; each combination was replicatedthreetimes. Data on seed yield plot-1 and other yield-contributingtraits were taken. A statistically significant seed yield reductioncompared with the control was observed at 75% and 90% levelof stem cutoff. Stem cutoff at 90% flowering stage caused higherseed yield reduction compared with 4th to 5th leaf rosette, bolting,and 50% flowering stages. A regression equation was developedto estimate the seed yield losses attributable to treatments at 90% flowering stage and different levels of stem cutoff. The estimatede-conomic losses were $52, $104, $156, and $188 hectare-1 for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90% stem cutoff, respectively. The 1,000-seed weight was significantly increased as level of stem cutoffincreased and growth stage advanced. Seed oil content wasalsoincreased as growth stage advanced. Primary branches,pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, and harvest index plant-1 weresignificantly reduced by both growth stage and level of stem cutoff.The secondary branches and biomass piant-1 were significantlyreduced by growth stage and level of stem cutoff, respectively.Our findings of differential yield losses by stem cutoff with differentgrowth stages should assist (1) growers in taking a critical decisionon whether they will keep or replant the crop, and (2) crop adjustersin deciding on compensation.
机译:在北达科他克斯罗斯2年来进行模拟的酬损研究。该实验是在随机成功砌块设计中进行的,具有两个因素,viz,5级茎干和四个增长阶段;每个组合都是复制的琐事。采集了种子产量曲线-1和其他产屈油屈服的数据。在75%和90%水平的茎切断下观察到对对照的统计学上显着的种子产量降低。 90%开花阶段的茎截止阶段引起的优化产量减少,与第4至第5叶玫瑰花莲,螺栓和50%开花阶段相比。促使回归方程估计可归因于90%开花阶段和不同水平的茎切断水平的种子产量损失。估计 - 核心损失分别为52美元,104美元,156美元,25%,50%,75%和90%的茎截止值为188公顷。随着茎的水平和生长阶段先进,1,000种重量显着增加。种子油含量以生长阶段为先进的生长阶段。主要分支,豆荚植物-1,种子POD-1和收获指数植物-1通过生长阶段和茎截止水平降低。二次分支和生物质效率-1由生长阶段和茎截止水平显着产生,分别通过阀杆截止的调查结果分别与不同的GROOFTTH阶段应协助(1)种植者在临界作出中,无论它们都将保留还是以作物保留,而(2)作物调节机构决定赔偿。



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