首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Entomology >Female-biased mass trapping vs. bait application techniques against the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Dipt., Tephritidae).

Female-biased mass trapping vs. bait application techniques against the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Dipt., Tephritidae).

机译:雌性偏见的肿块诱饵诱饵应用技术对地中海果蝇, Ceratisita Capitata (Dipt。,Tephritidae)。

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To develop new population control methods for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, a study comparing bait application techniques (BAT) with a female-biased mass trapping strategy was carried out in seven citrus orchards in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). In the BAT treatment, fenthion, lambda-cyhalothrin and spinosad were applied separately in three of the orchards. In the other three, the mass trapping strategy (Probodelt traps baited with Biolure copyright ) was adopted at a density of 50 traps/ha, reinforced when necessary with the same insecticide bait application (MTR). The seventh orchard was organically farmed and only mass trapping was used for control, but with a higher trap density (80 traps/ha). For pest monitoring, 2 traps/ha baited with Biolure copyright (for females and males) and 2 traps/ha baited with trimedlure (for males only) per orchard were inspected weekly. The most effective treatment was the MTR (with fenthion) programme, reducing the C. capitata female population by up to 68% [an average of 3.9 females/trap/day (f/t/d) were obtained vs. 12.6 f/t/d from BAT]. However, the lowest average C. capitata population (between the MTR programmes) was obtained by mass trapping supplemented with lambda-cyhalothrin (only 3.3 f/t/d). When only BAT was applied, applications with lambda-cyhalothrin proved to be the most effective (7.1 f/t/d). However, MTR carried out in the organic orchard resulted in the lowest female captures (2.0 f/t/d). Very little fruit damage was recorded in the treatment orchards. In all BAT treatments, the relative number of males and females was similar; however, in the MTR treatments fewer females than males were recorded in the same orchard.
机译:为地中海果蝇的新人人口控制方法,将诱饵应用技术(BAT)与女性偏置捕获策略进行比较的研究,在Mallorca的七个柑橘园进行了一种比较诱饵应用技术(BAT)(巴利阿里西班牙群岛)。在蝙蝠治疗中,在三个果园中分开施用FETHION,Lambda-Cyhalothrin和Spinosad。在另外三个中,在50个捕获/公顷的密度采用大规模捕获策略(探测器版权所有),在必要时加强了相同的杀虫剂诱饵应用(MTR)。第七果园是有机养殖的,只使用大规模捕获来控制,但陷阱密度较高(80瓣/公顷)。对于害虫监测,每周检查2种陷阱版权(针对女性和男性)和2个陷阱/公顷的陷阱/公顷,每个果园都有2种陷阱/公顷,每次果园被植入苗条(仅适用于男性)。最有效的治疗方法是MTR(用助剂)的程序,减少了 c。 Capitata 女性人口高达68%[平均3.9雌性/陷阱/日(F / T / D)来自BAT的12.6 F / T / D]。但是,平均值最低 c。 Capitata 群体(MTR程序之间)是通过补充λ-cyhalothrin(仅3.3 f / t / d)的大规模捕获而获得的群体。当仅应用蝙蝠时,具有Lambda-cyhalothrin的应用被证明是最有效的(7.1f / t / d)。然而,在有机果园中进行的MTR导致最低的雌性捕获(2.0f / t / d)。治疗果园中记录了很少的果实损伤。在所有蝙蝠治疗中,男性的相对数量和女性相似;然而,在MTR治疗中,在同一果园中记录了比男性更少的女性。



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