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People's Views on Dreaming: Attitudes and Subjective Dream Theories, With Regard to Age, Education, and Sex


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The study investigated subjective theories of dream function (why do we dream)measured as level of agreement with selected prescientific and contemporary views of science (N = 667) and thus explored differences in dream attitude with respect to age, educational level, and sex. A factor analysis revealed 3 factors. One can be described as seeing dreams as meaningful information processing (memory consolidation, sorting inputs, and solving problems), a 2nd included prescientific dream theory (dreams as messages from outside and/or from deceased, or dreams as prophecies). A 3rd factor included viewing dreams as insignificant products of the brain (random chemical signal interpretation and garbage products of the brain). Factor 1 was highly related to dream attitude-the more generally approving of dreams and dreaming, the more participants would regard dreams as meaningful information processing. Factor 2 was related to sex (women being more approving) and negatively related to level of education. Factor 3 was negatively related to the dream attitude scale but positively related to dream recall, which seemed counterintuitive. This could be seen as a way of explaining the often irrational content of dreams that participants were then able to recall. Women had a more supportive attitude toward dreams and dreaming.
机译:该研究调查了梦想功能的主观理论(为什么我们梦想)测量与选定的预定和当代科学意见(n = 667)的协议级别,从而探讨了梦想态度的年龄,教育水平和性别的差异。因素分析显示了3个因素。可以描述视为将梦想视为有意义的信息处理(内存整合,排序输入和解决问题),第二个包括预定梦想理论(作为来自外部和/或死者的梦想,或梦想为本梦想)。第3因素包括将梦想视为大脑的微不足道产品(大脑的随机化学信号解释和垃圾产物)。因素1与梦想态度非常有关 - 越来越熟悉梦想和梦想,更多的参与者会将梦想视为有意义的信息处理。因子2与性(妇女更批准)有关,与教育水平负相关。因子3与梦想态度规模呈负相关,但与梦想召回有关,似乎是违反直观的。这可以被视为解释参与者能够回忆的梦想的经常非理性内容的一种方式。妇女对梦想和梦想的态度更加支持。



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