首页> 外文期刊>Algebras and representation theory >Duality Features of Left Hopf Algebroids

Duality Features of Left Hopf Algebroids


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We explore special features of the pair (U (au),U (au)) formed by the right and left dual over a (left) bialgebroid U in case the bialgebroid is, in particular, a left Hopf algebroid. It turns out that there exists a bialgebroid morphism S (au) from one dual to another that extends the construction of the antipode on the dual of a Hopf algebra, and which is an isomorphism if U is both a left and right Hopf algebroid. This structure is derived from PhA(1)ng's categorical equivalence between left and right comodules over U without the need of a (Hopf algebroid) antipode, a result which we review and extend. In the applications, we illustrate the difference between this construction and those involving antipodes and also deal with dualising modules and their quantisations.



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