首页> 外文期刊>Trends in Food Science & Technology >A new generation plant for the conventional cuisine: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.)

A new generation plant for the conventional cuisine: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.)


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Background: The quinoa herb belongs to the family of Chenopodiaceae where spinach and beet are also found. It is a kind of herb that is native to South America and there are about 250 kinds of Chenopodium species worldwide. It is considered a sacred herb by humans due to the high level of protein in its composition and its content of essential amino acids in a balanced manner. In addition, due to the fact that quinoa has a high value of energy and nutrients and because of its therapeutic properties as well as the absence of gluten in it, it is thought to be beneficial for consumers like children, elderly people, high performance athletes, individuals with lactose intolerance, women with a tendency to osteoporosis and those in a risk group such as anemia, diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity or celiac disease. The useage of quinoa as a main ingredient in salads and meatball and the useage of which in preparation of pastries such as cakes, cookies, etc., dietary meals, and various foods have increased the demand for it within the gastronomy field.



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