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Privacy, boundaries and smart homes for health: An ethnographic study


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This article explores how people negotiate borders and boundaries within the home, in the context of health and the introduction of new technologies. We draw on an ethnographic study involving a socially diverse group of people, which included people with experience of telecare or smart home energy systems. Participants engaged in various strategies to regulate the borders of their home, even though new technologies have begun to change the nature of these borders. Participants managed health conditions but also their use of technology through boundary work that permitted devices to be more or less visible and integrated within the home. Findings highlight that if smart healthcare technologies are to be accepted in the home then there is a need for mechanisms that allow people to control the interpretation of data and flow of information generated about them and their households.
机译:本文探讨了人们如何在健康的背景下谈判在家中的边界和界限,并引入新技术。 我们借鉴了一个涉及社会多样化的人群的民族造型研究,其中包括带有远程护理或智能家居能源系统经验的人。 参与者从事各种战略来规范他们家的边界,尽管新技术已经开始改变这些边界的性质。 参与者管理健康状况,还通过边界工作来使用技术,允许设备在家庭内或多或少地整合到家中。 调查结果强调,如果在家中要接受智能医疗保健技术,则需要机制,使人们能够控制对他们和他们家庭产生的信息和信息流的解释。



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