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Animating social work research findings: a case study of research dissemination to benefit marginalized young people


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Findings in social work research are often disseminated in a manner that excludes the subjects of that research. In the SHINE for Kids - MyLifeNow research collaboration between a social work researcher, a communication design researcher and communication design students, research findings were animated in a variety of styles for distribution by the charitable organization. SHINE for Kids is a non-profit organization that assists and advocates for children with parents in prison. Transcripts of social work interviews with the children were modified into screenplays to be animated by communication design students. The animated documentary has advantages over the expository documentary mode, including protecting the identity of the subject and creating an affective video that constitutes a dual-process model of entertainment providing for a more socially connected pleasure.
机译:社会工作研究中的调查结果通常以不包括该研究的主题的方式传播。 在为儿童的Shine - Mylifenow在社会工作研究员之间的研究合作,一个通信设计研究员和通信设计学生,研究调查结果是由慈善组织分销的各种风格的动画。 为孩子们闪耀是一个非营利组织,有助于和倡导监狱的父母的孩子。 与儿童的社会工作访谈的成绩单被修改为通过通信设计学生进行动画的剧本。 动画纪录片具有优于展示文档模式的优势,包括保护主题的身份并创建一个构成娱乐模型的情感视频,提供更具社会连接的乐趣。



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