首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Variation in competent and respectful delivery care in Kenya and Malawi: a retrospective analysis of national facility surveys

Variation in competent and respectful delivery care in Kenya and Malawi: a retrospective analysis of national facility surveys


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Objective Although substantial progress has been made in increasing access to care during childbirth, reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality have been slower. Poor-quality care may be to blame. In this study, we measure the quality of labour and delivery services in Kenya and Malawi using data from observations of deliveries and explore factors associated with levels of competent and respectful care. Methods We used data from nationally representative health facility assessment surveys. A total of 1100 deliveries in 392 facilities across Kenya and Malawi were observed and quality was assessed using two indices: the quality of the process of intrapartum and immediate postpartum care (QoPIIPC) index and a previously validated index of respectful maternity care. Data from standardised observations of care were analysed using descriptive statistics and multivariable random-intercept regression models to examine factors associated with variation in quality of care. We also quantified the variance in quality explained by each domain of covariates (patient-, provider- and facility-level and subnational divisions). Results Only 61-66% of basic elements of competent and respectful care were performed. In adjusted models, better-staffed facilities, private hospitals and morning deliveries were associated with higher levels of competent and respectful care. In Malawi, younger, primipara and HIV-positive women received higher-quality care. Quality also differed substantially across regions in Kenya, with a 25 percentage-point gap between Nairobi and the Coast region. Quality was also higher in higher-volume facilities and those with caesarean section capacity. Most of the explained variance in quality was due to regions in Kenya and to facility, and patient-level characteristics in Malawi. Conclusions Our findings suggest considerable scope for improvement in quality. Increasing staffing and shifting births to higher-volume facilities - along with promotion of respectful care in these facilities - should be considered in sub-Saharan Africa to improve outcomes for mothers and newborns.
机译:客观虽然在分娩期间越来越多地进行了大量进展,但孕产妇和新生儿死亡率的减少速度较慢。质量差的护理可能是责任。在这项研究中,我们使用来自分娩观察的数据和探索与尊重和尊重的水平相关的因素来衡量肯尼亚和马拉维的劳动和送货服务质量。方法我们使用来自国家代表卫生设施评估调查的数据。在肯尼亚和马拉维的392个设施中共有1100个交付,并使用两种指标评估质量:内部和立即产后护理(QoPiIPC)指数的质量和先前经过验证的产妇护理指数。使用描述性统计和多变量随机拦截回归模型来分析来自标准化护理观察的数据,以检查与护理质量变化相关的因素。我们还量化了每个领域的协变量(患者,提供者和设施级别和地方部门)解释的质量方差。结果仅执行61-66%的主管和尊重的护理基本要素。在调整后的型号,私人医院和早晨交付的更新的设施,私立医院和早晨交付与更高的能力和尊重的护理相关。在马拉维,年轻,孕脂和艾滋病毒阳性妇女获得更高质量的护理。肯尼亚地区的质量也大幅不同,内罗毕与海岸地区之间有25个百分点。高批量生产的质量也较高,具有剖腹产能力。质量的大多数解释的差异是由于肯尼亚的地区以及马拉维的设施和患者级特征。结论我们的调查结果表明了质量提高的相当范围。越来越多的人员分娩和转移到高批量设施 - 以及促进这些设施的尊重 - 应在撒哈拉以南非洲考虑,以改善母亲和新生儿的成果。



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