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Different life strategies of two waterfowl species introduced inMoscow


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In addition to a large group of mallards, Moscow provides breeding and wintering grounds for Ruddy Shelducks (Tadorna ferruginea) and Common Goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula). Both species were introduced there (released in the Zoo) in the 1950s. Ruddy Shelducks started nesting in the city already in 1956, while Goldeneyes only in 1975. The numbers of both species have been increasing since then, but the rate of population growth differed: it was much higher in Ruddy Shelducks, particularly in the last years (from 105 in 1998 to about 400 in 2005). All Ruddy Shelducks winter in the Zoo and breed outside it, nesting in the attics of high-storey buildings and rearing broods on the city ponds. For half a century no birds left the city neither in autumn, nor in spring; the situation may have changed in recent years, though we have no reliable proofs for it.
机译:除一大批野鸭外,莫斯科还为红润小鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)和白颊鸭(Bucephala clangula)提供了繁殖和越冬的场所。这两个物种在1950年代就被引入那里(在动物园中释放)。 Ruddy Shelducks从1956年就开始在这座城市筑巢,而Goldeneyes才在1975年开始筑巢。此后,这两种物种的数量一直在增加,但是人口增长率却有所不同:Ruddy Shelducks的增长率更高,尤其是最近几年( (从1998年的105个增加到2005年的400个左右)。所有Ruddy Shelducks都在动物园里过冬,并在动物园外繁殖,筑巢于高楼大厦的阁楼中,并在城市池塘中饲养幼雏。半个世纪以来,秋天和春天都没有鸟类离开这座城市。尽管我们没有可靠的证据,但这种情况近年来可能已经改变。



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