首页> 外文期刊>Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research >Roles of the Locus Coeruleus and Adrenergic Receptors in Brain-Mediated Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Responses to Intracerebroventricular Alcohol

Roles of the Locus Coeruleus and Adrenergic Receptors in Brain-Mediated Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Responses to Intracerebroventricular Alcohol


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ALCOHOL HAS LONG been known to disrupt normal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function. In addition, the effects of the drug on HPA activity have been linked to both the genesis and maintenance of addiction, although the mechanisms underlying this are uncertain (Lovallo, 2006). Alcohol and its metabolites stimulate the HPA axis by their direct actions on its tissues and indirectly by altering peripheral physiological parameters that feedback to the hypothalamus and activate the axis. For instance, at the level of the brain, alcohol administered by intracerebroventricular (icv) injection causes an increase in the release of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), the main hypothalamic hormone that drives the release of the pituitary stress hormone adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) (Lee et al, 2004). In the periphery, acetaldehyde, the drug's main metabolite, stimulates corticosterone secretion at the level of the adrenal glands (Cobb and Van Thiel, 1982). Alcohol can also cause gastrointestinal irritation, induce liver cytokine production, and produce changes in blood pressure and body temperature (El-Mas et al., 2006; Linnoila et al., 1979; Narkiewicz et al., 2000; Schaffert et al., 2009), all of which constitute homeostatic challenges that are perceived at the Wei nf the brain and indirectly stimulate HPA activity.
机译:长期以来,已知酒精会破坏正常的下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴功能。此外,该药物对HPA活性的影响与成瘾的发生和维持有关,尽管其潜在机制尚不确定(Lovallo,2006)。酒精及其代谢产物通过其对组织的直接作用刺激HPA轴,并通过改变周围的生理参数间接刺激下丘脑并激活HPA轴。例如,在脑部,通过脑室内注射(icv)注射酒精会导致促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(CRF)的释放增加,而促肾上腺皮质激素释放的主要下丘脑激素会促使垂体应激激素肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)释放(Lee等,2004)。在外围,乙醛是该药物的主要代谢产物,可刺激肾上腺水平的皮质酮分泌(Cobb和Van Thiel,1982)。酒精还会引起胃肠道刺激,诱导肝细胞因子生成并导致血压和体温变化(El-Mas等,2006; Linnoila等,1979; Narkiewicz等,2000; Schaffert等, 2009年),所有这些都构成了稳态平衡的挑战,这些挑战在大脑的大脑被感知到并间接刺激了HPA的活动。



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