首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >从下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴探讨附子肉桂在肾气丸中补肾阳的作用




[目的]通过研究肾气丸、附桂混悬液和六味地黄丸对肾阳虚证大鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴功能的影响,探求附子和肉桂在肾气丸中补肾阳的作用。[方法]将60只SD大鼠随机分为5组,即正常组、模型组、肾气丸组、附桂混悬液组和六味地黄丸组,每组12只。采用氢化可的松肌内注射制备肾阳虚大鼠模型,药物干预组在造模同时分别给予相应的药物进行干预,1次/d,连续20d。每隔4d记录1次动物的症状体征(体重、肛温、饮水、摄食、大小便、脱毛、拱背、蜷缩及抓取激惹反应)。实验结束后,腹腔静脉采血,分离血清,ELISA法测ACTH、CORT含量;取下丘脑制备匀浆, ELISA法检测CRH和CRHR1含量。[结果]肾阳虚模型组动物出现体重下降,肛温降低,摄食量和饮水量减少等肾阳虚典型症状。与正常组相比,大鼠下丘脑、垂体、肾上腺、性腺(卵巢、睾丸)脏器显著萎缩;血清ACTH、CORT及下丘脑CRH和CRHR1含量显著降低。药物干预后,肾气丸能显著改善肾阳虚动物的症状体征,升高血清ACTH、CORT和下丘脑CRH、CRHR1含量;附桂混悬液能在一定程度上改善肾阳虚大鼠上述检测指标,但较肾气丸弱。六味地黄丸不能改善肾阳虚大鼠的上述检测指标。[结论]附子和肉桂在肾气丸中可能是通过调节下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴的功能发挥补肾阳的作用。%Objective Through further research to study Shenqiwan, Fuzi, Rougui and Liuweidihuangwan ’s effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of kidney yang deficiency rat induced by hydrocortisone, we want to reveal the role of Fuzi and Rougui. [Methods] Sixty SD rats were randomly divided into five groups on average, which were control group, kidney yang deficient model, Shenqiwan group, Fuzi and Rougui aqueous solution group, and Liuweidihuangwan group respectively. Hydrocortisone was dosed for rats to create models;meanwhile, the herbs were dosed in each group once a day for consecutive 20 days, except for control and kidney yang deficient groups rats which were received normal saline. General physical signs, including weight, anus temperature, water intake, food intake, urine and stool, extrados and irritation test. Serum was separated from plasma for detecting ACTH and CORT by ELISA at the 21st day. Content of CRH and CRHR1 was determined in the hypothalamus homogenate with ELISA. [Results] Classical symptoms of kidney yang deficiency were found on the rats, such as body weight and anus temperature decline, food and water intake decrease, etc. Compared with control group, Hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal and gonad(ovary, testis) were atrophic significantly. Contents of ACTH, CORT, CRH and CRHR1 were significantly decreased in other groups. In Shenqiwan group rats, the usual physical signs were improved dramatical y. Serum ACTH and CORT contents, hypothalamus CRH and CRHR1 content were increased. However, Liuwei dihuangwan cannot improve al the observed indices. Shenqiwan had a better effect than Fuzi and Rougui aqueous solution.[Conclusion] Fuzi and Rougui have a key role in regulation kidney yang deficiency by stimulating the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.



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