首页> 外文期刊>Toxicon: An International Journal Devoted to the Exchange of Knowledge on the Poisons Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms >Molecular docking and mechanisms of fusaric acid induced mitochondrial sirtuin aberrations in glycolytically and oxidatively poised human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells

Molecular docking and mechanisms of fusaric acid induced mitochondrial sirtuin aberrations in glycolytically and oxidatively poised human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells


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Fusaric acid (FA) is a ubiquitous yet neglected mycotoxin. The toxicity of FA is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Sirtuins (SIRTs) are key mediators of cell stress responses through deacetylation of antioxidant, mitochondrial maintenance and energy metabolism proteins. Dietary bioactive compounds have profound effects on SIRT activity, however little is known regarding common foodborne toxins and SIRTs. In this study the interaction of FA with mitochondrial SIRTs - SIRT3 and SIRT5, were firstly studied by molecular docking. Thereafter we substantiated the in silica findings by investigating the effect of FA on expression profiles of SIRT3 and SIRT5, and transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulators, PGC-1 alpha and miRNA-30c using western blots and qPCR in vitro. FA was predicted to bind to the active site of SIRT3 and SIRT5 having implications for biological activity. Furthermore, protein expression of SIRT3 and SIRT5 was down-regulated despite elevated mRNA levels. Further experimentation revealed post-transcriptional regulation of both SIRTs as evidenced by elevated miRNA-30c despite induction of PGC-1 alpha. This study highlights the potential of a diet contaminated with FA to dysregulate mitochondrial specific proteins that can lead to initiation and progression of sirtuin related diseases including cancer and insulin resistance.
机译:镰糖酸(FA)是一种普遍存在但被忽视的霉菌毒素。 FA的毒性与线粒体功能障碍和氧化应激相关。 SIRTUINS(SIRT)是通过抗氧化,线粒体维持和能量代谢蛋白的脱乙酰化的细胞应激反应的关键介质。膳食生物活性化合物对SIRT活性产生了深远的影响,然而,对于常见的食物载毒素和速度很少。在这项研究中,首先通过分子对接研究了FA用线粒体SIRT - SIRT3和SIRT5的相互作用。此后,我们通过研究FA对SIRT3和SIRT5的表达谱,转录和转录后调节剂,PGC-1α和MiRNA-30c使用Western印迹和体外QPCR来证实了二氧化硅结果。预计Fa与SIRT3和SIRT5的活性位点结合,对生物活性有影响。此外,尽管mRNA水平升高,但SIRT3和SIRT5的蛋白表达被下调。尽管诱导PGC-1αhapla,但进一步的实验揭示了升高的miRNA-30c所证明的速度的转录后调节。本研究突出了患有FA污染的饮食的潜力,所述饮食能够引发线粒体特异性蛋白质,这些蛋白质可导致SIRTUIN相关疾病的开始和进展,包括癌症和胰岛素抵抗。



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