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Identification of a current hot spot of HIV type 1 transmission in Mongolia by molecular epidemiological analysis.


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We investigated the current molecular epidemiological status of HIV-1 in Mongolia, a country with very low incidence of HIV-1 though with rapid expansion in recent years. HIV-1 pol (1065 nt) and env (447 nt) genes were sequenced to construct phylogenetic trees. The evolutionary rates, molecular clock phylogenies, and other evolutionary parameters were estimated from heterochronous genomic sequences of HIV-1 subtype B by the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method. We obtained 41 sera from 56 reported HIV-1-positive cases as of May 2009. The main route of infection was men who have sex with men (MSM). Dominant subtypes were subtype B in 32 cases (78%) followed by subtype CRF02_AG (9.8%). The phylogenetic analysis of the pol gene identified two clusters in subtype B sequences. Cluster 1 consisted of 21 cases including MSM and other routes of infection, and cluster 2 consisted of eight MSM cases. The tree analyses demonstrated very short branch lengths in cluster 1, suggesting a surprisingly active expansion of HIV-1 transmission during a short period with the same ancestor virus. Evolutionary analysis indicated that the outbreak started around the early 2000s. This study identified a current hot spot of HIV-1 transmission and potential seed of the epidemic in Mongolia. Comprehensive preventive measures targeting this group are urgently needed.
机译:我们调查了蒙古的当前HIV-1分子流行病学状况,该国的HIV-1发病率很低,但近年来发展迅速。对HIV-1 pol(1065 nt)和env(447 nt)基因进行测序,以构建系统树。进化率,分子时钟系统发生学和其他进化参数是通过贝叶斯马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛方法从HIV-1 B亚型的异时基因组序列估计的。截至2009年5月,我们从56例报告的HIV-1阳性病例中获得了41份血清。主要的感染途径是与男性发生性行为的男性。显性亚型为B型亚型32例(78%),其次为CRF02_AG亚型(9.8%)。 pol基因的系统发育分析鉴定出亚型B序列中的两个簇。第一组包括21例MSM和其他感染途径,第二组包括8例MSM。树木分析表明簇1中的分支长度非常短,这表明在短时间内使用相同祖先病毒的HIV-1传播异常活跃。进化分析表明,暴发始于2000年代初。这项研究确定了当前HIV-1传播的热点和蒙古流行的潜在种子。迫切需要针对该人群的全面预防措施。



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