首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Industrial Economics >Resident Bid Preference, Affiliation, and Procurement Competition: Evidence from New Mexico href='#joie12202-note-1028'/>

Resident Bid Preference, Affiliation, and Procurement Competition: Evidence from New Mexico href='#joie12202-note-1028'/>

机译:居民出价偏好,隶属关系和采购竞争:来自新墨西哥州的证据 href =“#joie12202-note-1028”/>

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>In public procurement auctions, governments routinely offer preferences to qualified firms in the form of bid discounts. Previous studies on bid discounting do not account for affiliation – a form of cost dependence between bidders that is likely to occur in a public procurement environment. Utilizing data from the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Resident Preference Program, I develop and estimate an empirical model of firm bidding and entry that allows for affiliation in firms’ project costs. I find evidence of affiliation and show how it changes preference auction outcomes.
机译: >在公共采购拍卖中,政府经常向合格企业提供以出价折扣的形式提供偏好。 以前关于投标折扣的研究不会占附属 - 一种在公共采购环境中可能发生的投标人之间的成本依赖性的形式。 利用来自新墨西哥州交通居民偏好计划的数据,我开发并估计了公司招标和进入的实证模型,允许公司的项目成本隶属关系。 我找到了隶属关系的证据,并展示了如何改变偏好拍卖结果。



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