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Wrestling with the Monster: Frankenstein and Organ Transplantation


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In December 1967, Louis Washkansky, a grocer living in South Africa, became the first person to awaken after a heart transplant. Some accounts say that his first words were, "I am the new Frankenstein." Others claim that Christiaan Barnard, his transplant surgeon, uttered these. Much as people have long mixed up who Frankenstein is-creature or creator?-in Mary Shelley's novel, so patient and surgeon, repaired and repairer, are confused in retellings of this post-op Frankensteinian moment. Whether Washkansky identified with Frankenstein's monster or not, he was probably feeling a bit monstrous after taking the donor heart of Denise Darvall into his chest. I know I was, over thirty years later, standing naked before a mirror and gazing at my shorn and bloated torso for the first time since a kidney transplant. My boundaries had been rearranged: a crescentic scar marked the frontier between me and not-me.
机译:1967年12月,一位居住在南非的杂货店Louis Washkansky成为心脏移植后第一个醒来的人。 有些人说他的第一个言语是,“我是新的弗兰肯斯坦。” 其他人声称,他的移植外科医生的Christiaan Barnard发出了这些。 随着人们长期混乱的是弗兰肯斯坦是生物或创造者? - 玛丽·谢尔利的小说,所以患者和外科医生,修理和修理者,在这个职前的弗兰肯斯坦时刻的素食中混淆。 无论是用弗兰肯斯坦的怪物识别的洗车须,他可能在丹尼斯达尔瓦尔的捐赠者心中感到有点怪异。 我知道我在三十多年后,在镜子前赤身裸体,因为肾脏移植自肾移植的第一次凝视着我的刺痛和臃肿的躯干。 我的界限已经重新排列:一个新月形的疤痕标志着我之间的边界,而不是我。



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