首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Agricultural Science >Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria in fresh plants and in silage from Opuntia and their effects on the fermentation and aerobic stability of silage

Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria in fresh plants and in silage from Opuntia and their effects on the fermentation and aerobic stability of silage


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The current study aimed to select the strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from forage cactus plants and silage and assess their effects on silage fermentation and aerobic stability. Forty wild isolates from plant and cactus silage, classified as LAB, were evaluated for metabolite production and identified by 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing. These wild isolates were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Weissella cibaria, Weissella confusa and Weissella paramesenteroides and the LAB populations differed among the silage. The use of microbial inoculants did not influence gas or effluent losses in forage cactus silage. The silage inoculated with the microbial strain GP15 showed the highest number of LAB populations. The amounts of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and ammonia nitrogen differed among the silage. The silage inoculated with the GP1 strain presented the highest WSC. Populations of enterobacteria and yeasts and moulds were below the minimum detection limit (2.0 log cfu/g silage) in all the silage studied. The predominant action of inoculants was to maximize dry matter recovery of the silage, which could be the criterion adopted to select the strains of LAB for use as inoculants in Opuntia silage.
机译:目前的研究旨在选择从饲料仙人掌植物和青贮饲料中分离的乳酸菌(实验室)的菌株,并评估它们对青贮发酵和有氧稳定性的影响。分类为实验室的植物和仙人掌青贮饲料的四十个野生分离物用于代谢产物生产,并通过16S核糖体DNA测序鉴定。这些野生分离株被鉴定为乳酸杆菌,Weissella cibaria,Weissella confusa和Weissella paramesenteroides和Lab种群在青贮饲料中不同。使用微生物接种剂的使用不会影响饲料仙人掌青贮饲料中的气体或流出物损失。接种用微生物菌株GP15的青贮饲料显示了最多的实验室人群。水溶性碳水化合物(WSC)和氨氮的量不同于青贮饲料。用GP1应变接种的青贮饲料呈现最高的WSC。在研究的所有青贮饲料中,细菌和酵母和酵母和模具的群体低于最小检测限(& 2.0 log cfu / g青贮饲料)。孕育剂的主要作用是最大化青贮饲料的干物质回收,这可能是采用的标准,用于选择用于仙飞孢菌体中的孕育的实验室菌株。



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