首页> 外文期刊>Quantum information processing >Quantum Fisher information matrix for unitary processes: closed relation for SU(2)

Quantum Fisher information matrix for unitary processes: closed relation for SU(2)

机译:Quantum Fisher信息矩阵用于统一进程:SU的封闭关系(2)

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Quantum Fisher information plays a central role in the field of quantum metrology. In this paper, we study the problem of quantum Fisher information of unitary processes. Associated with each parameter theta(i) of unitary process U(theta), there exists a unique Hermitian matrix M theta(i) = i (U-dagger partial derivative theta U-i). Except for some simple cases, such as when the parameter under estimation is an overall multiplicative factor in the Hamiltonian, calculation of these matrices is not an easy task to treat even for estimating a single parameter of qubit systems. Using the Bloch vector m theta(i), corresponding to each matrix M theta(i), we find a closed relation for the quantum Fisher information matrix of the SU(2) processes for an arbitrary number of estimation parameters and an arbitrary initial state. We extend our results and present an explicit relation for each vector m theta(i) for a general Hamiltonian with arbitrary parametrization. We illustrate our results by obtaining the quantum Fisher information matrix of the so-called angle-axis parameters of a general SU(2) process. Using a linear transformation between two different parameter spaces of a unitary process, we provide a way to move from quantum Fisher information of a unitary process in a given parametrization to the one of the other parametrizations. Knowing this linear transformation enables one to calculate the quantum Fisher information of a composite unitary process, i.e., a unitary process resulted from successive action of some simple unitary processes. We apply this method for a spin-half system and obtain the quantum Fisher matrix of the coset parameters in terms of the one of the angle-axis parameters.
机译:Quantum Fisher信息在量子计量学领域发挥着核心作用。在本文中,我们研究了单一过程的量子Fisher信息问题。与单一过程U(θ)的每个参数θ(i)相关联,存在一个独特的隐士矩阵mθ(i)= i(U-dagger部分衍生物Theta U-I)。除了一些简单的情况外,例如当估计下的参数是汉密特尼时的总乘法因子时,即使估计Qubit系统的单个参数,这些矩阵的计算也不是一种容易的任务。使用Bloch Vectormθ(i),对应于每个矩阵mθ(i),我们找到了用于任意数量的估计参数和任意初始状态的SU(2)过程的量子Fisher信息矩阵的关闭关系。我们扩展了我们的结果,并为每个VeCtora(i)的汉密尔顿人为一般汉密尔顿人提供了明确的关系。我们通过获得一般SU(2)过程的所谓角轴参数的量子FISHER信息矩阵来说明我们的结果。在整体过程的两个不同参数空间之间使用线性变换,我们提供了一种从给定参数化到另一个参数化的给定参数中的整体过程的量子FISHER信息移动。知道该线性变换使得能够计算复合酉过程的量子Fisher信息,即,由一些简单的酉过程的连续作用导致的整体过程。我们为自旋半系统应用这种方法,并根据角轴参数之一获得陪芯参数的量子Fisher矩阵。



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