首页> 外文期刊>Psychological Studies >Cannabis and Amphetamine Use and Socio-Ecological Proximal and Distal Factors Among School-Going Adolescents in Six Pacific Island Countries

Cannabis and Amphetamine Use and Socio-Ecological Proximal and Distal Factors Among School-Going Adolescents in Six Pacific Island Countries


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The study aimed to assess the prevalence of cannabis and amphetamine use and socio-ecological proximal and distal factors among adolescents in six Pacific Island countries. We analyzed cross-sectional survey data from 9,849 adolescents (mean age 14.2?years, SD?=?1.2) from Cook Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu that participated in the “Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS)” in 2011–2013. The prevalence of past-month cannabis use was 15.5%, and lifetime amphetamine use was 14.5%, with the highest prevalence in Samoa, 37.1% and 34.6%, respectively. In adjusted mixed-effects logistic regression analysis male gender, personal attributes (anxiety, loneliness, current tobacco use, current alcohol use and school truancy) and environmental stressors (having been in a physical fight, been physically attacked, sustained an injury, hunger and being bullied) were associated with past-month cannabis and/or lifetime amphetamine use. Parental substance use was positively and parental involvement negatively associated with past-month cannabis and/or lifetime amphetamine use. Measures to prevent and control cannabis and amphetamine use in this adolescent population should include personal attributes, environmental stressors and parental support.
机译:该研究旨在评估六太平洋岛国家青少年大麻和安非他明的使用和社会生态近端和远端因素的普遍存在。我们分析了来自9,849名青少年的横断面调查数据(平均14.2岁,SD?=?1.2)来自库克群岛,基里巴斯,萨摩亚,所罗门群岛,汤加和图瓦图,参加了“全球学校的学生健康调查( GSHS)“2011年 - 2013年。过去月大麻使用的患病率为15.5%,寿命amphetamine使用量为14.5%,萨摩亚的普及率分别为37.1%和34.6%。在调整后的混合效应逻辑回归分析男性性别,个人属性(焦虑,孤独,当前烟草使用,当前的酒精使用和学校逃学)和环境压力师(在体力战斗中,身体攻击,遭受伤害,饥饿,饥饿被欺负)与过去月大麻和/或终身疗法使用有关。父母物质使用是正面的,父母的患者与过去月大麻和/或寿命amphetamine使用负相关。预防和控制大麻和安非他明的措施应包括个人属性,环境压力源和父母支持。



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