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Canadian Market Analysis (Con’t) --Source: Statistics Canada, Preston Estimates

机译:加拿大市场分析(不) - 苏尔邦斯统计,普雷斯顿估计

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The replacement and expansion of Enbridge’s Line 3 crude oil pipeline will be delayedabout a year because the Minnesota permitting process will take longer than expected, theAlberta company announced in early March. The project, previously expected to start shippingcrude by the end of 2019, is now expected to enter service in the second half of 2020. This is asignificant blow to Canadian oil producers who were expecting the estimated 9% increase inexport capacity of a fully operation Line 3 to help alleviate the transportation problems they havefaced for some time. Elsewhere, it was noted that it can take 9 years to get a pipeline approvedin Canada.
机译:塔伯塔公司在3月初宣布,Minnesota允许流程的替代和扩展,Enbridge的第3条原油管道将被推迟,因为明尼苏达州允许的过程比预期比预期更长。 该项目,之前预计将于2019年底开始股票,现在预计将在2020年下半年进入服务。这对加拿大石油生产商的爆炸性较为珍贵,预计估计的9%提高了全运行线路的境外产能。 3为了帮助减轻他们越来越多的交通问题。 在其他地方,有人指出,可以花费9年才能获得加拿大的管道批准。



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