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Oil reserves of Chang 7 Shale, Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin


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With the successful exploration of unconventional hydrocarbons such as shale oil and shale gas, scholars paid more attention to the residual hydrocarbons within the shale. However, getting the reserves of residual hydrocarbons within the shale is still a problem faced by the petroleum geologists. Shale can act as both the source rocks and the reservoir of shale hydrocarbons, and the hydrocarbons within the shale system have not been expelled except a bit of loss during the geological times. Thus, the quantity of residual oil within the shale can be regarded as the reserves of shale oil. Using the pyrolytic parameters, such as total organic carbon, free hydrocarbons, and pyrolytic hydrocarbons, the quantity of residual oil within the shale can be calculated. Chang 7 Shale in Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, was selected to establish the calculating model, and the reserves of shale oil were calculated. The results show that the reserves of shale oil are 1.11billion tons.
机译:随着索引石油和页岩气等非常规碳氢化合物的成功探索,学者更加关注页岩内的残留碳氢化合物。 然而,在页岩内获得剩余碳氢化合物的储备仍然是石油地质学家面临的问题。 页岩可以作为页岩烃的源岩和储层,除了在地质时期的一系列损失之外,页岩系统内的碳氢化合物尚未被排出。 因此,页岩内的残余油的量可被视为页岩油的储备。 使用热解参数,例如总有机碳,游离烃和热解碳氢化合物,可以计算页岩内的残余油量。 Chang 7 Shale在Triassic Yanchang Cloweration中,选择了鄂尔多斯盆地,建立了计算模型,并计算了页岩油的储备。 结果表明,页岩油的储量为1.11亿吨。



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