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Montaigne on Medicine insights of a 16th-century skeptic


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Michel de Montaigne (1533—1592) viewed the medicine of his time with a well-merited skepticism and had remarkable insight into its best resource, the placebo effect. Because less separates biomedicine from its Early Modern counterpart than commonly supposed, Montaigne still has much to tell us about the workings of this potent variable. When people improve as a result of surgery that did not take place, or for that matter sicken as a result of fumes that elude detection, they behave much like their counterparts in Montaigne’s world. But doctors as well as patients are subject to errors of perception and inference. It was the goal of correcting misleading impressions by more reliable knowledge that led mid-20th-century investigators of the placebo effect to propose the sort of methodologically demanding trials through which drugs are now run before being brought to market. Montaigne’s awareness of the weak foundations of claimed knowledge, prominently including medical knowledge, was central to his philosophy of the human.
机译:Michel de Montaigne(1533-1592)通过一个合理的怀疑论观看了他的时间的药物,并对其最佳资源进行了显着的洞察力,安慰剂效应。因为少于其早期现代同行的生物医学,而不是普遍认为,Montaigne仍然有很多东西要告诉我们这个有效变量的工作。当人们由于没有发生的手术而改善,或因为由于烟雾被剔除的烟雾而被诅咒,他们表现得很像他们在蒙塔尼岛世界的同行。但医生以及患者受到看法的误差和推论。通过更可靠的知识来纠正误导性印象,使安慰剂20世纪中期的调查人员提出了这种方法苛刻的试验,在推动市场之前,药物现在正在运行的方法苛刻的试验。 Montaigne对声称知识的弱势基础的认识,突出地包括医学知识,是他对人类哲学的核心。



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