首页> 外文期刊>Russian physics journal >Numerical Modeling of the Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Plasma Formed During Spark-to-Glow Discharge Transition

Numerical Modeling of the Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Plasma Formed During Spark-to-Glow Discharge Transition


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Results of numerical experiment on modeling of the atmospheric-pressure plasma formed during the spark-to-glow discharge transition in helium in low-current non-stationary plasmatron are presented. The numerical experiment is performed using the developed 2D physical and mathematical plasma model in the drift-diffusion approximation. Results of numerical calculation of the dynamics of discharge evolution are confirmed by the experimental data on the atmospheric-pressure plasma dynamics formed in the plasmatron during the spark-to-glow discharge transition. It is demonstrated that with preset initial conditions characteristic for spark breakdown, further discharge evolution leads to the formation of the near-cathode zone of the potential drop and the pulsed behavior of the electric current of the discharge. After the current pulse, the discharge transforms into the quasi-stationary mode with parameters characteristic for the glow discharge with monotonically increasing electric current and transverse dimensions of the plasma column.



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