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Do Women in the Newsroom Make a Difference? Coverage Sentiment toward Women and Men as a Function of Newsroom Composition

机译:女性在新闻编辑中有所作为吗? 作为新闻室组成的功能,妇女和男性的覆盖情绪

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Positive or negative media coverage may have important consequences for individuals' lives and ability to succeed. One potential factor that may affect the tone of coverage, in particular for women, is the gender of newsroom managers. Some scholars have suggested that women in key editorial and managerial roles should have a positive effect on the overall coverage of issues in the news, and specifically on the coverage of women. We used fixed effects regression to analyze panel data on the coverage sentiment of 212U.S. newspapers from various cities and states between 2004 and 2009 to examine the effects of the gendered composition of newsrooms on coverage tone for both men and women. Our results showed that individuals with female names receive more positive coverage than those with male names do in every section of the newspaper. We also found that increases in female representation on newspapers' editorial boards resulted in coverage for women that is moderately more positive. However, there is no evidence that under female executive editorship coverage sentiment favors women. Our findings are consistent with the work of gender sociologists and media scholars who have highlighted the media's rigid gender structures and their resistance to change.
机译:积极的或负面媒体覆盖范围可能对个人的生命和成功的能力具有重要影响。可能影响覆盖范围,特别是女性的一个潜在因素是新闻室管理人员的性别。一些学者们提出,关键的妇女在关键编辑和管理角色应该对新闻中问题的整体覆盖以及专门对妇女的覆盖范围产生积极影响。我们使用了固定效应回归来分析了212U.S的覆盖情绪的面板数据。 2004年至2009年之间的各个城市和各国的报纸,审查新闻室对男女和女性覆盖语调的对新闻组织的影响。我们的研究结果表明,女性名称的个人比报纸的每个部分都能获得比男性名称更积极的覆盖范围。我们还发现,报纸上的女性代表增加了女性代表,导致适度更积极的女性覆盖。但是,没有证据表明,根据女性执行编辑覆盖情绪的有利于妇女。我们的调查结果符合性别社会学家和媒体学者的工作,他们强调了媒体僵化的性别结构及其对变革的抵抗力。



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