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Specific features of the circular dichroism of a chiral photonic crystal with a defect layer inside in the presence of a gain


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The specific features of the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of a cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) layer with a defect layer inside in the presence of gain have been investigated. The features of the dependence of CD on the parameter characterizing the gain on the defect mode are analyzed for two cases: (i) gain is present in the defect layer and is absent in the CLC sublayers and (ii) gain is absent in the defect layer but is present in the CLC sublayers. It is shown that these dependences significantly differ in the two aforementioned cases. The dependences of the reflection, transmission, and absorption on the defect mode on the gain parameter have been investigated for incident light with both circular polarizations.
机译:研究了在存在增益存在下,胆甾型液晶(CLC)层的圆形二中型(CD)层的具体特征已经进行了缺陷层。 分析了表征缺陷模式的增益的参数上的CD的依赖性的特征在于:(i)增益存在于缺陷层中,并且在CLC子层中不存在(II)在缺陷中不存在增益 图层但存在于CLC子层中。 结果表明,这些依赖性在前述两个情况下显着不同。 研究了反射,传输和吸收对增益参数上的缺陷模式的依赖性,已经研究了具有圆偏振的入射光。



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