首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries >The time-keeping hormone melatonin: a possible key cue for puberty in freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.)

The time-keeping hormone melatonin: a possible key cue for puberty in freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.)

机译:保持激素褪黑素:淡水鳗鱼中青春期的可能关键措施(Anguilla SPP。)

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Worldwide, there is a dramatic decline in freshwater eel populations (Anguilla spp.), resulting in an urgent need to improve eel management and artificial reproduction protocols. Unfortunately, eels in captivity do not reproduce spontaneously as they remain in a (pre)-pubertal state resulting from a strong neural blockage. Eel propagation is possible to some extent by applying extensive, expensive, unnatural hormonal treatments. However, the success rates are still far too low to support a sustainable farming industry, due to low gamete quality and low survival rates of larvae. Artificial reproduction of eels has been pursued for almost 80years, and maturation protocols have changed little. In order to improve current protocols it is clear that a different approach towards stimulating sexual maturation is required. In many fish species, changes in external environmental cues, such as photoperiod and temperature, are crucial to induce gonadal recrudescence and development. Still, the natural triggers involved in the gametogenesis of eels are poorly understood. The time-keeping hormonemelatonin is a well-known transmitter of external cues, and influences various physiological processes, including reproduction. In eels, we hypothesize that melatonin is an important key player in the regulation of sexual maturation. Thus far, its mode of action is still an area which needs to be explored. In this review, we provide an overview of the current knowledge of studied natural cues possibly affecting reproductive function and the plausible role of melatonin in the regulation of puberty in eels.
机译:在全球范围内,淡水鳗鱼种群(Anguilla SPP)存在急剧下降。导致迫切需要改善鳗鱼管理和人工生殖协议。遗憾的是,囚禁中的鳗鱼不会自发地重现,因为它们仍然是由强烈的神经阻塞产生的(前)百分比状态。通过施加广泛,昂贵,不自然的荷尔蒙治疗,可以在某种程度上在某种程度上是可能的。然而,由于低谷质量和幼虫的低生存率,成功率仍然太低而无法支持可持续的农业行业。已经追求了鳗鱼的人工繁殖,近80年来,成熟的方案变化了很少。为了改善当前方案,很明显需要不同的方法来刺激性成熟。在许多鱼类中,外部环境提示的变化,如光周期和温度,至关重要,对诱导性腺复发和发育至关重要。尽管如此,参与鳗鱼的配子发生的自然触发器尚未理解。保持的Hormonemelatonin是外部提示的众所周知的发射机,并影响各种生理过程,包括繁殖。在鳗鱼中,我们假设褪黑激素是治安性成熟的重要关键球员。到目前为止,其行动方式仍然是需要探索的区域。在本综述中,我们概述了可能影响生殖功能的研究自然提示的现有知识以及褪黑素在鳗鱼青春期调节中的合理作用。



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