首页> 外文期刊>Research in science education >What Happens When a Teacher's Science Belief Structure Is in Disequilibrium? Entangled Nature of Beliefs and Practice

What Happens When a Teacher's Science Belief Structure Is in Disequilibrium? Entangled Nature of Beliefs and Practice

机译:当教师的科学信仰结构处于不平衡时会发生什么? 纠缠的信仰和实践的性质

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This qualitative case study examined the process of change in an experienced elementary teacher's belief structure during implementation of an inquiry-based science program. Difficulties generally associated with ascertaining beliefs were minimized by using Leatham's (Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 9, 91-102 (2006) Sensible System Framework, enabling researchers to obtain rich descriptions of the teacher's belief structure by focusing on words (professed beliefs), intentions (intended beliefs), and actions (enacted beliefs). Models were constructed of the teacher's belief structure before and after implementation of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach (Hand et al. International Journal of Science Education, 26(2), 131-149, 2004), an inquiry-based approach to teaching science. Key beliefs for this teacher were related to how students learn, goals for teaching science, focus of instruction, and roles of teacher and student. Ultimately, the teacher shifted her professed, intended, and enacted beliefs resulting in a shift from a teacher-centered to a student-centered classroom. Findings support Thagard's Coherence Theory of Justification (2002), positing that change in one belief creates a state of disequilibrium that must be alleviated by changing/realigning other beliefs in order to re-establish coherence in the overall belief structure. This research focus is distinct from the general trend in teacher beliefs research in important ways. Most significant is that this study was not focused on the traditional two liststhose beliefs that were consistent with practice and those that were inconsistent with practicebut instead focused on the entwined nature of beliefs and practice and have shown that a teacher's practice can be viewed as their enacted beliefs, an integral part of the teacher's overall belief structure.
机译:这种定性案例研究审查了在执行询问的科学计划期间经验丰富的小学教师信仰结构的变化过程。通过使用Leatham的(数学教师教育,9,91-102(2006)明智的系统框架,使研究人员通过专注于言语(自称信仰),使研究人员能够获得研究人员,从而使研究人员能够获得富人的信仰结构的丰富描述,使研究人员能够获得困境。意图(预期的信念)和行动(颁布信仰)。在执行科学写作启发式(SWH)方法之前和之后的教师的信仰结构构建了模型(ALP等人。国际科学教育,26(2), 131-149,2004)是一种基于查询的教学方法。这位老师的主要信仰与学生学习,教学科学的目标如何相关,教学的焦点以及教师和学生的角色。最终,老师转向了她自称,预期的和颁布的信仰,导致教师中心的班次转移到以学生为中心的课堂。调查结果支持思达的合作理论(2 002),一个信仰的变化的实证产生了一种不平衡的状态,必须通过改变/重新调整其他信仰来改变/调整其他信仰,以便在整体信念结构中重建一致性。本研究重点是截然不同的是以重要方式与教师信仰研究的一般趋势不同。最重要的是,这项研究没有专注于与实践一致的传统两位列表信念,而那些与练习完全不一致的人,而是专注于赋予信仰和实践的纠缠性质,并表明可以将教师的做法视为颁布信仰,教师整体信仰结构的一个组成部分。



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