首页> 外文期刊>Laser physics letters >Self-assisted complete hyperentangled Bell state analysis using quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities

Self-assisted complete hyperentangled Bell state analysis using quantum-dot spins in optical microcavities

机译:使用量子 - 点旋转在光学微腔中的自辅完整的Hypertangled Bell状态分析

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An efficient scheme for the discrimination of 16 hyperentangled Bell states of a two-photon system that is entangled in both polarization and spatial-mode degrees of freedom is presented in this paper. Using the interaction between the photons and quantum-dot spins in cavities, the spatial-mode Bell states can be distinguished completely and nondestructively in the first step. Subsequently, the preserved spatial-mode entanglement is utilized as an auxiliary to analyze the polarization Bell states. Compared with a previous scheme (Ren et al 2012 Opt. Express 20 24664-77), our scheme reduces the requirement for nonlinear interaction substantially by utilizing the intrinsic degrees of freedom in hyperentanglement.
机译:本文介绍了在两种光子系统中缠绕在极化和空间模式自由度的双光子系统的16个超纯响铃状态的有效方案。 使用光子和量子点旋转之间的相互作用在腔中,可以在第一步中完全和无组织地区分空间模式喇叭状态。 随后,保存的空间模式纠缠用作辅助分析偏振钟状态。 与先前的计划相比(Ren等人选择了Opt。Express 20 24664-77),我们的方案通过利用Hyperentanglement中的内在自由度来降低基本上的非线性相互作用的要求。



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