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The cheek of a cheater: Effects of posing the left and right hemiface on the perception of trustworthiness


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Our cognitive mechanisms are designed to detect cheaters in social exchanges. However, cheater detection can be thwarted by a posed smile, which cheaters display with greater emotional intensity than cooperators. The present study investigated the role of hemifacial asymmetries in the perception of trustworthiness using face photographs with left and right cheek poses. Participants (N=170) observed face photographs of cheaters and cooperators in an economic game. In the photographs, models expressed happiness or anger and turned slightly to the left or right to show their left or right cheeks to the camera. When the models expressed anger on their faces, cheaters showing the right cheek were rated as less trustworthy than cooperators (irrespective of cheeks shown) and cheaters showing the left cheek. When the models expressed happiness, trustworthiness ratings increased and did not differ between cheaters and cooperators, and no substantial asymmetries were observed. These patterns were replicated even when the face photographs were mirror-reversed. These results suggest that a cheater's fake smile conceals an uncooperative attitude that is displayed in the right hemiface, ultimately disguising cheater detection.
机译:我们的认知机制旨在发现社交交易所的骗子。然而,骗子检测可以被构成的微笑挫败,骗子展示比合作者更大的情绪强度。本研究调查了半衰期不对称在使用左右脸颊姿势的脸部照片对可靠性的看法中的作用。参与者(n = 170)观察了经济比赛中的骗子和合作者的面部照片。在照片中,模特表达了幸福或愤怒,略微向左或向右转动,向相机展示他们的左或右脸颊。当模特对他们的脸上表达愤怒时,显示正确脸颊的骗子被评为比合作者(无论脸颊显示)和骗子显示左侧脸颊的欺骗性。当模型表达幸福时,可靠性评级增加,骗子和合作者之间没有差异,并且没有观察到大量的不对称。即使脸部镜像逆转,也会复制这些模式。这些结果表明,骗子的假笑容隐藏在右血面上显示的不合作态度,最终掩饰骗子检测。



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