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Where has the city choir gone? Loss of the temporal structure of bird dawn choruses in urban areas

机译:城市合唱团在哪里走了? 城市地区鸟类黎明合唱时间结构的丧失

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Living in the city represents a great challenge for organisms that are exposed to the novel environmental conditions inherent to urbanization. Recent studies have highlighted the ecological impact that urbanization poses on the acoustic phenotype and singing routines of birds. However, the organization and structure of avian dawn choruses in urban settings remains largely unexplored. In this study, we assessed the temporal structure of avian dawn choruses in an infra-urban area and a peri-urban forest using bipartite network analyses. We predicted a random network structuring of dawn choruses across time at the intra-urban area, while expected a non-random structure (i.e., modular or nested) at the peri-urban forest. While we detected different groups of birds vocalizing together temporarily, following a modular pattern in both studied conditions, only the one from the peri-urban forest showed a sequential temporal structure of dawn choruses. Avian dawn choruses from both infra-urban and peri-urban areas were mainly comprised by phylogenetically unrelated species (i.e., random phylogenetic structure), also exhibiting low overlap on singing frequencies. Our results are in agreement with the temporal partitioning of the acoustic space in the peri-urban forest. Our findings also suggest that the absence of temporally-structured modules of bird dawn choruses at heavily-urbanized areas could be related to the depauperization of the avian community at infra-urban areas as a sequel of ecological filtering, as well as the consequent importance of the dominance of the acoustic space by invasive species.
机译:生活在该市是对暴露于城市化固有的新环境条件的生物的巨大挑战。最近的研究强调了城市化在声学表型和歌唱鸟类上的生态影响。但是,城市环境中Avian Dawn合唱的组织和结构仍然很大程度上是未开发的。在这项研究中,我们评估了使用二分网络分析的红外城区和围城森林的禽黎明合唱的时间结构。我们预测了城市内部地区横跨时间的黎明合唱的随机网络结构,而预期在围城森林的非随机结构(即模块化或嵌套)。虽然我们检测到不同群体的鸟类在一起,暂时发声,在两个研究条件下,只有来自围城森林的模块化模式,才显示出黎明合唱的连续时间结构。从城市和城郊地区的Avian Dawn合唱主要由系统发育不相关的物种(即随机系统发育结构)组成,还在唱歌频率上表现出低重叠。我们的结果与围城森林中的声学空间的时间分区一致。我们的调查结果还表明,在大城市化地区的鸟类黎明合唱的缺乏缺乏鸟类黎明合唱可能与禽群体在英外社区作为生态过滤续集的封闭,以及后果的重要性通过侵入性物种的声学空间的主导地位。



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