首页> 外文期刊>Numerische Mathematik >Newton-Noda iteration for finding the Perron pair of a weakly irreducible nonnegative tensor

Newton-Noda iteration for finding the Perron pair of a weakly irreducible nonnegative tensor

机译:用于找到弱不可缩小的非负面张量的彼得龙对的牛顿 - Noda迭代

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We present a Newton-Noda iteration (NNI) for computing the Perron pair of a weakly irreducible nonnegative mth-order tensor A, by combining the idea of Newton's method with the idea of the Noda iteration. The method requires the selection of a positive parameter theta(k) in the kth iteration, and produces a scalar sequence approximating the spectral radius of A and a positive vector sequence approximating the Perron vector. We propose a halving procedure to determine the parameters theta(k), starting with theta(k) for each k, such that the scalar sequence is monotonically decreasing. Convergence of this sequence to the spectral radius of A (and convergence of the vector sequence to the Perron vector) is guaranteed for any initial positive unit vector, as long as the sequence {theta(k)} so chosen is bounded below by a positive constant. In this case, we always have theta(k) = 1 near convergence and the convergence is quadratic. Very often, the halving procedure will return theta(k)(= 1 i.e., no halving is actually used) for each k. If the tensor is semisymmetric, m >= 4, and theta(k) = 1, then the computational work in the kth iteration of NNI is roughly the same as that for one iteration of the Ng-Qi-Zhou algorithm, which is linearly convergent for the smaller class of weakly primitive tensors.
机译:我们通过将牛顿方法的想法与Noda迭代的想法相结合,提供了一种用于计算诸如弱不可简化的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非负面的非线性的迭代的射频对。该方法需要在第k次迭代中选择正参数Theta(k),并产生近似A的频谱半径的标量序列和近似彼得伦矢量的正矢量序列。我们提出了一半的过程来确定每个k的θ(k)开始的参数θ(k),使得标量序列是单调地减小的。对于任何初始正单元向量,保证了该序列的频谱半径与彼得罗向量的频谱半径的收敛,只要序列{θ(k)}所选择的序列{theta(k)}以正为正持续的。在这种情况下,我们始终达到(k)= 1近收敛,收敛是二次的。通常,每次k的减半程序将返回(= 1即,实际使用每秒减半)。如果张量是半代理,m> = 4,并且θ(k)= 1,则NNI的初级迭代中的计算工作与NG-QI-ZHOU算法的一次迭代相同,这是线性的为较小类的弱原始张量融合。



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