首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Molecular phylogeny of Caudofoveata (Mollusca) challenges traditional views

Molecular phylogeny of Caudofoveata (Mollusca) challenges traditional views


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The shell-less, worm-shaped Caudofoveata (=Chaetodermomorpha) is one of the least known groups of molluscs. The taxon consists of 141 recognized species found from intertidal environments to the deep-sea where they live burrowing in sediment. Evolutionary relationships of the group have been debated, but few studies based on morphological or molecular data have investigated the phylogeny of the group. Here we use molecular phylogenetics to resolve relationships among and within families of Caudofoveata. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using selected mitochondrial and nuclear genes from species from all recognized families of Caudofoveata. In resulting trees and contrary to traditional views, Prochaetodermatidae forms the sister clade to a clade containing the other two currently recognized families, Chaetodermatidae and Limifossoridae. The monophyly of Prochaetodermatidae is highly supported, but Limifossoridae and Chaetodermatidae are not recovered as monophyletic. Most of the caudofoveate genera are also not recovered as monophyletic in our analyses. Thus results from our molecular data suggest that the current classification of Caudofoveata is in need of revision, and indicate evolutionary scenarios that differ from previously proposed hypotheses based on morphology.
机译:壳体较少,蠕虫形状的毛植物(= Chaetodermomorpha)是最低已知的软体动物组中的一种。分类群体由141种发现的物种组成,从跨境环境中发现到深海,在那里他们在沉积物中挖洞。本集团的进化关系已经讨论,但基于形态学或分子数据的研究很少研究了该组的系统发育。在这里,我们使用分子系统oIntsics来解决Caudofoveata家族中的关系。使用来自来自所有公认的Caudofoveata家族的种类和来自物种的所选线粒体和核基因进行系统发育分析。在由此产生的树木和与传统观点相反,Prochaetodermatidae形成姐姐的思克,含有其他两个目前公认的家族,Chaetodermatidae和哌嗪的思考。高度支持的Prochaetodermatidae的单层,但LimiFossoridae和Chaetodermatidae未被恢复为单味素。大多数剖面薄膜属于我们在我们的分析中也没有作为单噬细胞恢复。因此,来自我们的分子数据的结果表明,CaudofoveAta的当前分类需要修改,并表明基于形态学与先前提出的假设不同的进化场景。



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