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Challenges to Teaching Traditional Ghanaian Dance Forms in Non-Traditional Academic Contexts in Accra, Ghana: Policy, Training and Implementation


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Teaching and learning of traditional dance in rural communities in Ghana occur informally over a long period of time, as members of a community participate in diverse festivities and ceremonies. However, with urbanization and introduction of formal education, there was the need for traditional dance forms of Ghana to be taught formally in academic spaces. With this shift, the question that arises then is how issues associated with teaching a traditional art form in a non-traditional academic setting are addressed. Thus, this study was implemented, which has tradition at the core.;The purpose of this study was to examine the complexities associated with the teaching of traditional dance forms in basic and senior high schools in Ghana. The study was imagined as a virtual round table discussion that would bring together Dance Lecturers of the University of Ghana, Policy Makers and Implementers, and Cultural Coordinators of the Ghana Education Service. To carry out this study, there was a need for a methodology that would allow participants to describe and discuss their experiences of the phenomenon under investigation, while giving them the option of deciding on how much of that experience would be shared with the researcher. Basic qualitative research approaches and aspects of indigenous research methodology offered just what was needed.;In-depth interviews with 16 participants were conducted and data collected were analyzed using the three stages of coding as proposed by Kathy Charmaz. The major findings in this investigation are summarized as follows: 1) the dance educators define tradition as culture and history of the people and are guided by these ideas in their teaching, 2) in order to be a well-versed teacher of traditional dance in an academic setting one must have both formal and non-formal training to single handedly take up the role of adults in the rural communities, and 3) traditional dance is mostly taught as a co-curricular activity by Cultural Coordinators who are stretched thin across many schools. The study was conducted to start a conversation that seeks to bring all of the various stakeholders into a discussion aimed at enhancing formal dance education in Ghana.
机译:随着社区成员参加各种庆祝活动和仪式,加纳农村社区中传统舞蹈的教与学在很长一段时间内都是非正式的。但是,随着城市化和正规教育的引入,加纳的传统舞蹈形式需要在学术空间中正式教授。随着这种转变,随之而来的问题是如何解决与在非传统学术环境中教授传统艺术形式有关的问题。因此,本研究的实施以传统文化为核心。本研究的目的是研究加纳基础和高中传统舞蹈形式教学的复杂性。该研究被认为是一次虚拟的圆桌讨论,将加纳大学的舞蹈讲师,政策制定者和实施者以及加纳教育局的文化协调员召集在一起。为了进行这项研究,需要一种方法,使参与者能够描述和讨论他们对被调查现象的经验,同时让他们可以选择与研究人员分享多少经验。基本的定性研究方法和本土研究方法的各个方面提供了所需要的。;与16名参与者进行了深入访谈,并使用Kathy Charmaz提出的三个编码阶段对收集的数据进行了分析。本次调查的主要发现概括如下:1)舞蹈教育者将传统定义为人民的文化和历史,并在他们的教学中以这些思想为指导; 2)为了成为一名精通传统舞蹈的老师。一种学术环境,必须接受正规和非正规的培训,才能一手承担农村社区中成年人的角色; 3)​​传统舞蹈主要是由文化协调员作为一项课外活动进行授课的,他们在许多地方学校。进行该研究是为了进行对话,以期使所有利益相关者参与讨论,以加强加纳的正规舞蹈教育。


  • 作者

    Ayi, Beatrice Tawiah.;

  • 作者单位

    Texas Woman's University.;

  • 授予单位 Texas Woman's University.;
  • 学科 Dance.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2017
  • 页码 198 p.
  • 总页数 198
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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