首页> 外文期刊>Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology >Knockout of insulin-degrading enzyme leads to mice testicular morphological changes and impaired sperm quality

Knockout of insulin-degrading enzyme leads to mice testicular morphological changes and impaired sperm quality


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Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is a zinc metalloprotease responsible for degrading and inactivating several bioactive peptides, including insulin. Individuals without this enzyme or with a loss-of-function mutation in the gene that codifies it, present hyperinsulinemia. In addition, impairment of IDE-mediated insulin clearance is associated with the development of metabolic diseases, namely prediabetes. Although insulin regulates male fertility, the role of IDE on male reproductive function remains unknown. We proposed to study the influence of IDE in the reproductive potential of males. As insulin mediates key events for the normal occurrence of spermatogenesis, we hypothesized that IDE functioning might be linked with sperm quality. We used C57BL/6N mice that were divided in three groups according to its genotype: wild type (WT), heterozygous and knockout (KO) male mice for Ide. Spermatozoa were collected from the cauda of epididymis and sperm parameters were evaluated. Testicular tissue morphology was assessed through hematoxylin and eosin stain. Mitochondrial complex protein levels and lipid peroxidation were also evaluated in the testicular tissue. Our results show that KO mice present a 50% decrease in testes weight compared to WT mice as well as a decrease in seminiferous tubules diameter. Moreover, KO mice present impaired sperm quality, namely a decrease in both sperm viability and morphology. These results provide evidence that IDE plays an important role in determining the reproductive potential of males.
机译:胰岛素降解酶(IDE)是一种锌金属蛋白酶,其负责降解和灭活几种生物活性肽,包括胰岛素。没有这种酶的个体或具有编纂它的基因中的功能突变,目前存在高胰岛素血症。此外,IDE介导的胰岛素清除的损害与代谢疾病的发展有关,即预先抛售。虽然胰岛素调节男性生育率,但IDE对男性生殖功能的作用仍然未知。我们建议研究IDE对雄性生殖潜力的影响。由于胰岛素介导对精子发生的正常发生的关键事件,我们假设IDE功能可能与精子质量相关联。我们使用C57BL / 6N小鼠根据其基因型分为三组:野生型(WT),杂合和敲除(KO)雄性小鼠用于IDE。从附睾和精子参数中收集精子。评估精子参数。通过苏木精和曙红染色来评估睾丸形态。在睾丸组织中还评估了线粒体复合蛋白水平和脂质过氧化。我们的研究结果表明,与WT小鼠相比,KO小鼠的睾丸重量减少50%,以及半成小管直径的降低。此外,KO小鼠呈现出受损的精子质量,即精子活力和形态的降低。这些结果提供了证据表明IDE在确定雄性的生殖潜力方面发挥着重要作用。



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