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Revision stapes surgery: retrospective analysis of surgical findings in a series of 21 otosclerosis patients.


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AIM: Retrospective analysis of surgical findings in revision stapes surgery in a group of 21 otosclerosis patients qualified for the secondary procedure at the Otosurgery Department of the Medical University of Lodz, Poland, from 1980 to 2002. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 21 cases of revision stapes surgery out of a total of 350 surgically treated otosclerosis cases are discussed. Group A consisted of 17 cases of revision surgery out of 274 patients who had undergone total stapedectomy (1980-1995) and group B consisted of 4 cases out of 76 patients after stapedotomy (1996-2002). RESULTS: In group A, 17 patients underwent revision surgery, corresponding to 6.2% out of 274 total stapedectomy cases. Among the indications for the secondary surgical procedure in this group of patients were: (a) platinum wire prosthesis displacement with ossicular chain discontinuity (n = 12); (b) perichondrium or adipose tissue atrophy (n = 3), and (c) incudostapedial joint luxation (n = 2). Group B was composed of 4 cases, i.e. 5.3% out of 76 stapedotomy patients (Teflon piston operation, 0.6 mm). For both groups, the mean percentage of revision cases was 6% of all patients operated for otosclerosis. Time from the initial surgical procedure to reoperation varied from 1 to 8 years. CONCLUSIONS: (1) The most common indication for revision stapes surgery in patients after total stapedectomy was prosthesis displacement and necrosis of the long crus of the incus. (2) Obliteration of the stapes footplate after small fenestra operation was observed to be the most frequent indication for the secondary stapes procedure in our patient groups.
机译:目的:回顾性分析1980年至2002年在波兰罗兹医科大学的耳外科上进行的21例接受二次手术的耳硬化患者的修订骨手术的手术结果。材料与方法:21例修订revision骨病例讨论了总共350例经手术治疗的耳硬化症病例中的外科手术。 A组包括274例行全骨切除术的患者中的17例翻修手术(1980-1995年),B组包括76例进行了骨切开术的患者(1996-2002年)中的4例。结果:在A组中,有17例接受了翻修手术,占全部274例骨切除术病例的6.2%。在这组患者中进行二次手术的适应症包括:(a)铂丝假体移位,听骨链不连续(n = 12); (b)软骨膜或脂肪组织萎缩(n = 3),以及(c)膝关节耻骨联合脱位(n = 2)。 B组由4例患者组成,即76名骨切开术患者中的5.3%(Teflon活塞手术,0.6毫米)。两组翻修病例的平均百分比为所有耳硬化症患者的6%。从最初的外科手术到再次手术的时间从1年到8年不等。结论:(1)全骨切除术后患者进行翻修revision骨手术最常见的指征是假体移位和长骨cus坏死。 (2)在我们的患者组中,观察到小的窗孔手术后Ob骨足板闭塞是继发骨手术的最常见指征。



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